In Fulda crashes a glider. The Pilot can no longer be saved.

crash from glider to Fulda Pilot dies in the fire investigation to the cause of the crash

Update, Monday, 01.06.2020 run, 14.15 PM: According to the initial findings of the police, the glider to Fulda has crashed when coming in to land. Just before the crash the Pilot, a 66-year-old man was logged in, ready for landing. Previously unknown cause of he, however, failed to reach the runway.

Fulda: Pilot of the glider had a runway before the crash almost

reached Approximately 800 meters from the airfield rushed the man with his glider on a Meadow between a small garden and a busy bike path in the state of Hesse. “The people there are very, very lucky,” said the head of the fire Department Fulda , Thomas Helmer. The glider could not be deleted from the fire Department Fulda quickly. Pictures of the crash site show a completely destroyed, and charred wreckage.

Fulda: experts to investigate the crash of a glider

The investigations on the cause of an accident in Fulda to experts of the Federal office for flight accident investigations (BFU). Apparently, the Pilot had in front of the crash approximately five litres of fuel for a small auxiliary motor on Board. This would have to serve to return to the airfield. The Pilot of the glider was a member of the Aeroclub Rhön in Fulda . He came killed in the crash. Other people came in to the crash of glider to Fulda to not hurt according to police.

Fulda: glider crashes, Pilot dies

first message from Monday, 01.06.2020, 13.09 PM: Fulda – In Fulda a glider pilot on Monday (01.06.2020) is crashed against 11.33 a.m., in the small garden Johannisau. The Pilot has died.

At the first Arrival of the rescue forces was the flyer in full fire. The investigations are ongoing. The scene is spaciously. chw

Long investigation brought a crash in Fulda with. Also in the case of a plane crash in the vicinity of Fulda investigation dragged on. In this accident three people died on the ground. The Pilot remained unharmed.