In the district to “genuine course”. A story of three people who are excluded, five years later, still.

County – On a rainy day in may, Gregory Schlick beer sitting in his squeaky blue rolling chair in front of the entrance to the house of the clubs in Zorneding. On the notice Board on the facade advertising the services of the people University is. Many events are held in this house. Schlick beer, 57, may not attend The former school building of the municipality is not accessible. The wheelchair user pulls on a cigarette. “We people with disabilities want to participate in normal life,” he says.

It’s just the ten-inch-high concrete slab is not in front of the entrance. The Trouble starts already 50 meters ahead. There Schlick beer that has been sitting for a stroke in a wheelchair, on the sidewalk. “He is, however, often cars parked,” says Schlick beer, he is also a disabled officer of the anger thing. For him, this is a Problem, because the edge of the kerb is not lowered in front of the house. There is a meeting room on the ground floor, but “not even then,” let him come. The rooms in the upper floors, unavailable. From the S-Bahn stations Schlick beer does not want to talk at all: Markt Schwaben, Poing and also Zorneding are not accessible.

Gregory Schlick beer is one of over 10 000 severely disabled people

Gregory Schlick beer is one of over 10 000 severely handicapped people in the district. Alone in the community of Zorneding 686 people with severe limitations in life, such as the district administrative office shows. The are about seven percent of the municipal population.

The topic of inclusion have a high priority for the district, in demography the concept of the district administrative office in 2015. For the barrier-free reconstruction of the County schools has been issued by the authority in the past, about 1.1 million Euro. A look at the demographics concept, also shows that many self-set goals were not achieved. A measure of the concept: “Each municipality should have a representative, a disabled.” Five years later, this is not the case Of 21 municipalities, nine have still not representative. The barrier-free Expansion, incidentally, is the task of the municipalities.

another measure adopted is the “Wheelmap”. It is a map with wheelchair accessible places in the County, it is maintained by different Bodies. Wheelmap should be made in the district to be known and promoted. You clicked on the website of the district authority, the Link to the map, you landed in the middle of Nowhere. “Error 504.” The Link is now accessible again.

Anton cutting has a democracy Problem

Anton cutting has a different Problem, a democracy Problem. Cutting, 65, Pensioner, anger, things, is since his sixth year after a meningitis deaf. He can’t speak, sometimes other people understand him. Last year, he wanted to let the Council set up. Only those who paid in the case of a choice of the sign language interpreter? Community? The district? The free state? After careful Consideration, left the cutting to remain. “The Problem is that sign language interpreters are always available quickly,” he says. For months you have to plan ahead.

An interpreter hour 75 Euro

In Bavaria, there are 15 000 deaf and only “a little over 100 interpreters,” says an employee of the Bavarian Association of the deaf. A interpreter hour costs 75 euros, plus travel time and mileage allowance. The cost will have to pay a deaf member of the municipal Council itself, because a local Council in Zorneding is a volunteer, says an employee of the district Association of the Hearing-impaired upper Bavaria.

In Zorneding knows cutting six other deaf, in the whole district, he estimates the number at 50 to 100. The Problem: In the area of communication had been disabled, no Lobby. “For me, loose associations absence of Belonging here.” So far, not many wanted to fight for their interests: hearing says lots of modest “concepts will be” cutting. In the end, this is now: “We want a level of acceptance as equal citizens.”

all the same, In public meetings, there was already an interpreter

cutting wants sign language interpreter in the public municipal Council meetings, and better trained staff in the city hall and the district office. Nevertheless, In the case of citizens ‘ assemblies in Zorneding, there were already interpreters.

Daniel Because, 44, is out of Ebersberg has been blind from birth. Be commuting in each day of the week over at traffic lights. Many of the plants in Ebersberg have no so-called blind signal generator, said Because. Especially traffic lights on state roads were often not equipped with it. A major traffic light without auto switch stand at the Münchener Straße in Ebersberg, close to the County clinic and a senior citizens center.

Slowly driving E-cars and cars with Stop&Go technology are a Problem

traffic lights without blind signal generator to switch on usually after ten to twelve seconds, says the staff of the district administrative office. He hears cars when you come to a stop. So he knows when he can cross the street. Slow-moving electric cars and cars with Stop&Go technology for the man a Problem: The engine does not turn off at the traffic light Because it sounds.

Daniel Because witness was moved as much in his city and elsewhere in the district. “30 years ago there were in Ebersberg not a single traffic light with beeper,” he says. Calls to the mayor at that time changed the. His way to and from work, well a Kilometer long, was equipped with signal systems.

“These restrictions people live with disabilities every day”

Schlick, beer, cutting, Because the Corona-crisis, distance, rules and hygiene regulations and other cuts makes your life more difficult. “Every citizen could have the borders be open to the public and to a limited experience,” says Gregory Schlick beer. “These restrictions people live with disabilities every day.”