In Göttingen, received the same three parties a threatening letter with an unknown powder. In the letters, a right-wing message.

Göttingen received three parties threatening letters with unknown substances. Of the action, the Greens, the FDP and The Left were affected. The threatening letters also included an extreme right-wing message.

Göttingen – at Least three times the danger, had to move out stoffzug of the professional fire brigade Göttingen on Thursday (04.06.2020), because the letters were sent with an unknown substance on three parties. Were affected, the Greens, the FDP and The Left.

Also in Hameln, apparently, turned up a minimum of a suspect letter. The first deployment occurred at about 10.10 p.m. in the office of the Green to the street in the city center Göttingen .

Göttingen: threatening letters with unknown powder at parties

“We have received a letter, addressed to our managing Director,” said Gregor Kreuzer, CEO of the Green in Göttingen . The sender is not known and is a seemingly bogus address.

“when we Open we have noticed that more than one Write in the letter. First of all, we have thought of but seeds.“ It was an odorless, crumbly powder, so the cruiser.

Göttingen: threatening letters to political parties, extreme right-wing message

On a piece of paper, handwritten, that the Greens were the worst Jews in Göttingen and they should be gassed. Furthermore, it is to read, that the whole Corona -the madness will only be used to get even more kanacken into the country.

The Letter ends with a swastika and the numbers 18 and 88, well-known symbols in the radical right-wing scene. “We are not intimidated”, tweet member of the German Bundestag, Jürgen Trittin (Green) at noon. “A fascist letter with white powder – that’s why my constituency office and the Green centre of Göttingen, remains at the request of the police and fire Department closed.”

Göttingen: building was evacuated due to threatening Letters

police and firefighters evacuated the building and put the letter safely. Later, the Landeskriminalamt (LKA) was consulted to determine, among other things, what kind of fabric it is.

According to information from Gregor Kreuzer of the Green in Göttingen to deal with already, the Committee on internal Affairs of the country lower Saxony with the theme. Because of the use of the Green in Göttingen, was on Thursday the only incident.

Göttingen: once Again, the FDP and The Left

threatening letters to the parties Against 13.30 o’clock a similar action in the case of the FDP took place at the Wilhelm-Weber-Straße. There is a red substance in the letter was rather of a white powder.

at 14.15, there was finally another Fund in Göttingen : was Affected, the office of The Left party in the Long-Geismar-Straße. Also in Hameln threatening letters should be surfaced. The interior Ministry has announced to the incidents in a statement.

Stefan Rampfel and Bernd Schlegel

threatening letters with unknown powder* are not uncommon: many of us have sent letters with white powder, and Arabic characters to the private addresses of several politicians. It is unclear how they got to the addresses.

Also, this politician was also threatened with Letters: Erich Pipa was about hostility at the same time as Walter Lübcke solid. Apparently, people from his Region.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.