Sonja Frank has in the current Whitsun holiday, your first assignment as Vice-mayor. In this Interview, she talks about her first day and your expectations.

Geretsried – If the mayor is on vacation, his Deputy ran. Since may, Sonja Frank (Free voters) is the Vice-Boss in the city hall. During the Whitsun holidays, the 52-Year-old has her first use. Our newspaper has visited the tidy Desk with green tulips, the first mayor Michael Müller (CSU) sits.

Mrs. Frank, of whom the banana bread in front of your door is it?

I have brought today, because I am receiving on my first day with the three Muffins. The beginning of the week more often someone from the administration is bringing something homemade.

it sounds like you have been very warmly received in the city hall. How was your first day on the job as the Second mayor otherwise?

It was very nice because I was able to work properly. There is no was excited or nervous Situation, because I could go two weeks earlier with the mayor.

As an Intern?

As an Intern, it is rather uncertain, and everything is new. So it was not me, the mayor has used me as his Deputy. And since I’ve been twelve-years councillor, I knew the management. As a former youth speaker and consultant for social Affairs and Integration, I was informed about some of the issues already good. Now only the angle of view is different. As a city Council we are presented with the documentation that was prepared and now I’m in the process of preparation.

What are the dates you had on your first day?

At the beginning of each week there is a head of Department meeting. Because I have a very good Overview of what’s coming up this week. After that, two more meetings were, and I got a lot of sign. Overall, I was perhaps a little slower than the mayor, but I just had to ask at one point or another something.

during its representation of something Important?

We need to. the charge for the meeting of the Finance Committee on Tuesday, 16 June, ready to go. I am also involved in the ongoing projects. The citizens ‘ consultation continues to take place, because of the Corona pandemic, but only on the phone. Otherwise, it can happen day-to-day business, there is always something Unexpected.

you Can put or do you want as Vice-mayor actually own accents?

The thoughts I had so far. As a representative of the mayor, the majority of citizens have chosen, I must be loyal to him. But of course I am still me and don’t pretend to. Women may have to go a different way than men, but that is a good thing.

you Have something made as a substitute?

In the areas of childcare, youth, and families, I have a wealth of experience and a lot of background. Because I would like to make me stronger. But other issues are of course just as important.

When the city Council chose the Second mayor, has been a dream come true? Six years previously, it had not worked out with the Post as the third mayor.

I can deal with it, if I’m not chosen. That to me, but now the majority of the city Council has expressed its confidence, was for me an important Signal. The past twelve years, I was the youngest councillor, although I, in the meantime, 52 am. Now, I’m still the Youngest among the women – and we are only eight women in the 31 city Council members. To be Vice-mayor is not a Princess dream was for me, but I hope to take other women, with perhaps the fear of a office can. I, myself, have let me at the time for the city Council to set up, because it was by the mayor Cornelia Irmer a role model.


see also: mayor Miller in the Interview: crisis management instead of victory