verbal consent when having Sex drives as good as any. A recently published study confirms: the majority of respondents to a direct confirmation by the love of the game for better Sex provides. However, the simple sentence, enough already, “I like it”, as the investigation found out. Some men measure their qualities in mind, whether the partner during Sex loud moans – a fatal error, suggest how two British researchers in a different study.

Staggering result

The two scientists from the University of Central Lancashire and the University of Leeds interviewed for this study, 71 women between the ages of 18 and 48 years, which are the noises that they give, when, and why the Sex of. The devastating result: The majority of women moan, but not from Lust, but from other reasons. Proud 87 percent of the women indicated that the moaning deliberately, to give your Partner a good feeling. 66 percent of women use the “copulation loud” even, in order to accelerate the climax of the man.

a Lot of women manipulate the Partner

The reason: most of The women would come according to the study, anyway more during foreplay or during oral sex (here, our columnist tells you how to do it right) to highlight, and less often during vaginal intercourse. In addition, a lot of women would enjoy her orgasm more quietly, to moan rather loudly. The moaning of the serving, rather, the Manipulation of the man, so he will finish faster. Were given as reasons by the women, among other things, discomfort, boredom, or fatigue. The results of this study underline once more how far many of the couples are yet to communicate on the same wavelength during Sex.

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*The post “is moaning About women in the Sex, really,” from GQ. Contact with the executives here.