It is the best Season to eat melons and the most Beautiful lands in the shopping basket, you need to pay attention only to these features.

Juicy flesh and a delicious taste – what Better than a watermelon, you will not find in the summer. Thus, the Nasch-experience is also perfect, here are some tips on how to recognise the tastiest melon .

the melon Is ripe? Of these characteristics, you recognize it

The consumer Bavaria there are some interesting hints. For example, you can detect a delicious melon to your yellow spot on the shell. This shows you how ripe the fruit is. The yellow storage place, the maker of the melon for consumption is. Not to fit you, however, that it is already overripe.

The degree of ripeness, you can also notice, by the fruit tap . In a dark, singing tone you can a melon to eat it sounds, however, is metallic, you should still wait.

Even stem gives a hint on the maturity of the melon. If he is dried out, you may enjoy the flesh of the fruit already.

I Can say the taste of the melon?

Check the weight of the melon : If she is heavier than others of the same size, it is more Mature. In the Rest of the taste small melons usually sweet – because Large contain more water. The sweet taste also allow you to see the variety of brown strip on the shell – the more, the better.

If the melon is ripe, you should also make sure that you eat the seeds and even the rind. You can also read what foods you should not eat in the heat.

Franziska Kaindl

watermelon cut into small pieces
