in March 2020, proclaimed Ann-Kathrin and Mario Götze, that they are expecting their first child. Now your offspring is already in the world. Via Instagram betrayed both of them: “Our son of Rome is at 5. June 2020 the world to come. We are more than blessed & Rome, it’s fine.”

Ann-Kathrin and Mario Götze: the First picture of the Baby

To post this Statement, a photo that only shows the hands of the small family. While Rome reaches for the index finger of his mum Ann-Kathrin, stroking Papa Mario gently the Hand of his son.

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Even if the face don’t show, so Ann-Kathrin suggests, where her son was more similar. Under Mario’s Post, she wrote, provided with a heart Emoji: “Your twin.” The Small came only two days after Mario’s birthday, of the 3. June 2020 28 years old, was, to the world.

The news of the birth is also pleased the Fans, although the photo was only posted a few hours ago, it has Ann-Kathrin already 158.000 Likes, with Mario even more than 288.000 Likes. Including a large number of comments, the birth of the Little congratulations are also to be found.

idol Baby: celebrity well-wishers rejoice with the parents

As a presenter Victoria Swarovski wrote: “I’m so Happy for you!!! Congratulations!” Model Barbara Meier, which is also her first Baby, said: “congratulations. Am so happy for you!!!” and Jana Ina Zarrella lots of love & Good congratulates “one of us. Life begins only now! Together, enjoying every Minute of it!” Also, Mario’s fellow Football players such as Thomas Müller, Toni Rüdiger, Jérôme Boateng and Shkodran Mustafi are among the prominent well-wishers.

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Ann-Kathrin and Mario Götze: relationship

The Model Ann-Kathrin and the footballer Mario Gotze since 2012 a Few, gave themselves up to 2018 in a registry office, and 2019 at a Wedding on Mallorca Yes-word. Both of them are in the social networks quite active, often share pictures and impressions from your private life. If you post in the future more photos of her little Rome, remains to be seen – have not expressed themselves yet.

This article was written by ( In PCP In the

*The post “Ann-Kathrin and Mario Götze posts sweet picture of your babies – but the Name is surprise” published by Glamour. Contact with the executives here.
