Berlin day-care centres and schools return after the summer holidays, for normal operation. Criticism comes now from the WT. The infection in Berlin was done in a way that it would not be justified to open the schools, said the Berlin-based WT-Chairman Tom Erdmann, the German press Agency. It was, therefore, correct, on loose thinking. “Ms. Scheeres but reacts only to the pressure of Parenthood. She completely loses the employees from the point of view.”

in addition, the Robert Koch Institute does not rate to the distance rules, such as the Senate’s decision provides for it. “That is, it relies on the recommendations of over. This is questionable,” said Erdmann. The risk to schools in Berlin, in infectious cases, but is quite realistic. The Senator had failed to provide sufficient plans.

risk of re school closures be realistic

Scheeres said on Tuesday that there is a Plan B for the case that the Situation dramatically deteriorates. Back to the current Situation should not give it then. It was intended to, though, if at least half of the classes in the school take place.

“We would have wished that the Senator Precautionary hits for the Online classes work reasonably without the start-up difficulties that we have experienced now,” said the WT-Chairman. Necessary, among other things, a strategy to be able to be equipped as teachers with technology that is compatible with what used by the students. “So far, the teachers have to do everything with their own devices,” said Erdmann. The education Senator didn’t make it that they received an official E-Mail address.

see also: daycare Openings: Berlin and lower Saxony allow the re-care for all children

Scheeres: day-care centres and schools should go “after the summer holidays in full operation”

The normal operation of the Berlin schools for all school types and vintage of the target levels, as the education Senator, said on Tuesday: “We want to go after the summer holidays in full operation,” said Scheeres. “This is only possible if we let the 1.5-metre rule will fall.” Thus, classes should not be in the future, divided into two or three groups, to the previously prescribed distance. A requirement for the plans is that the infections remain at a low level.

Confederation of the parents ‘calls for further training for Teachers

The Federal parents’ Council calls for Online teaching, the training of teachers in the summer holidays. “The training in the summer holidays, from our point of view is essential to classroom teaching, if necessary, be supplemented by qualified distance learning,” said the Chairman of the Federal parents Council, Stephan Wassmuth, the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Wednesday).

This could, for example, offers webinars. At the same time, students need to be adequately supplied with Internet access and terminals. Wassmuth added that it is only a question on a possible second Corona-wave prepared. “It is, in principle, the deficits of recent years and come to terms with modern teaching concepts.”

read also: 300 Euro per child – kids bonus for families is decided – what parents now,

Berlin day care centers need to know to from 22. Of June full care to offer

The day care centers already come back from next week to the normal operation. “From the age of 15. June, the process of return to the rule starts operating,” said Scheeres. From the 22. June, it is again a full right to Care for children and also Early and late services.

parents organizations, such as kita crisis Berlin are skeptical whether there is enough staff for the return to normal operation is available. Scheeres said: “We assume that we 1. August, a stable daycare system”. There should be bottlenecks that should, in consultation with the pre-school will be Supervisory and individual solutions found.

woman wants to squirrel out of the Pool to rescue and thanks to attack, FOCUS Online/Wochit woman wants to squirrel out of the Pool to rescue and thanks to the attacked
