snuff is for old men. Of due to. The opposite of a snuff club Ismaning proves. The 70 members of the test by the world of tobacco – and compete in competitions.

Ismaning – Jana-cutter to open a box, grasps with thumb and index finger and takes a small pinch of the dark brown powder. Then you DAB it on your nostrils, drinks in the air, a faint sob sound. So it sounds, if Neider, 33, snorts.

The Ismaningerin, long blonde hair, slim, doesn’t fit the image of the typical snuff-users. Him imagine some are certainly more as a Bavarian man, the pulls loudly his Schmalzler high. Far away from this cliché has launched Jana envious as a young woman, five years ago, the region is a snuff club. Meanwhile, the hand is grow full of founding members to around 70 and get more and more – both men and women.

certificate of incorporation of the beer lid

+ founding document: the signatures on this beer lid of the snuff was a club lifted from the baptism.

looking back. 11. September 2015: Jana envious sitting with your Partner and a few friends at the summer festival of the region is fire. They laugh, drink, sniff. On the beer table, they spread several varieties of tobacco, taste and discuss. “And at the end of the Evening, we all signed a beer Mat,” says Neider. The seal on the establishment of the Association.

at the Time, is envious 28 years old and lives since nine years in Bavaria. She works in a company for medical technology. There is still active. In her youth she had been a Smoker, she says. Then she replaced the cigarette against Schmalzler. “Less Tar.” Although the nicotine-containing snuff can tobacco as addictive and harmful to health. The envious consumed but less frequently. “It’s the runny nose to folklore and conviviality,” she says. Therefore, they can be sniffed in the community.

The loved one at the regulars ‘ table in Rick’s Café. Every second Thursday of the founding of the evening will be repeated, if the members meet for the ratchets. They eat and talk about Everyday things, over the runny nose, and a taste at a Tasting, how the new Germany is, different tobacco types. Then 20 or 30 jars on the table. Who opens, tastes sweet varieties spicy, other fragrant herb. Raspberry, Clove, Cinnamon. For every taste is catered for. Ever: snuff is not the same as snuff. There are finer and coarser varieties. Fans distinguish between Snuff and Schmalzler. The earthy Schmalzler is widely used especially in southern Germany and Austria. It owes its name to the fact that he mixed earlier, with clarified butter, and so supple was made, explains Neider. Today, Oil is used. The finer Snuff is dry and often with Menthol or flavors added.

European high nobility, moved the tobacco through the nose

Jana Neider knows. For a young woman that is rather unusual. At least you can exclude that the reactions to your Hobby While you reap the harvest of men’s appreciative glances when you take a pinch, women are irritated. The runny nose is not a male domain. The tobacco comes originally from Brazil and Colombia, has been withdrawn in Europe, first of all, the high nobility in the nose, says Neider. Who researched, and encounters Catherine of Medici. In the 16th century. Century she was not only Queen of France, but also a well-known Schnupferin. According to the Engl method named used by Jana envious is to change, by the way. In the case of the Bavarian Schnupfart the hand is back instead of the fingers used.

Bavarian way Fans rhinitis usually in competitions like in the lower Bavarian Perlesreut. Cleanliness and speed count, says Jana envious. Two grams for the women, three for men. Then from the garden hose behind the rinse the tent to the nose. 2019, the region is occupied under 18 teams place seven. This year, the competition takes place because, you want to be even better.