For 2016, Hans Hartung had the command of the Lechfloß. He brought years before, the stone for the construction of rolling. Now he has handed over the wheel to Alois Sporrer.

Schongau – Hans Hartung has long fought for this project and with the skin and the hair engaged. He wanted the Lech and its features for tourists to bring the guests closer. Not on Hiking trails along the shore, Hartung wanted to ride the river as many years ago on a raft. From the beginning, was important to him to leave the raft to proliferate none “Halli Galli-travel”, but it should be quiet excursions with expert city and Floßführern.

Many of the cliffs had to be overcome in the run-up to, a lot of office stuff waiting for the retired officer. But goal-striving faithful to his watchword: “Constant dripping wears away the stone”, could Hartung implement with the help of numerous supporters the project “Lechfloß” in the reality.

2016 were on the Lido nails with heads. The Lechfloß was there before the place was slapped together. Acceptance by the TÜV and the first trial trips followed. The Floßtaufe could go on the stage. But only a year later, the trips with the proposed explanations about the Flora and Fauna in the months of August and September took place.

Lechfloß in Schongau is good

Alone the rides in these two months showed that a keen interest from many visitors and guests of the inventory accepted. Every weekend, the raft was on the road, day of the week it always came back to use. “Since it was booked by companies for the employees,” he is one of Hartung. In the next two years, 2018 and 2019, could even be stung from July in the lake.

another “sea dog” – has lost his heart to the Lechfloß. Alois Sporrer, chief inspector a. D., for three years on the Lechfloß boat leader and Floßführer. Not only that, he has brought to each of his guests safely back in the home port at the Lido, Sporrer bundled specialist knowledge about native fish and their behaviors in Lech. This combination is, of course, wating for Hartung, who has been playing longer with the idea to give everything around the Lechfloß in younger hands.

Floßbetrieb could actually start immediately

prior to the construction of the new second raft, it was for the two men that Sporrer, Hartung is to succeed in terms of Lechfloß. For this reason, Sporrer was involved in all the Work during the Assembly of the raft. Now Hans Hartung icon has handed over the wheel to Alois Sporrer.

This has already taken over the further planning. “In mid June, the TÜV will check the raft in safety, and then as a water vehicle share,” explains Sporrer. The TÜV will then notify this acceptance to the district office that issued in turn, the approval, that the raft should be guided on this body of water. Then two new boat or Floßführer will take the practical exam. “This docking maneuver, and maneuver in a man overboard”, explains Sporrer knowledgeable.

what time is the Floßbetrieb starts up again, is still to be determined. “I am hopeful, because on the Bavarian lakes shipping has begun,” says Sporrer. Since the Schongauer more seat raft of opportunities to build to the required intervals to comply with, it could start with compliance with the requirements. immediately.


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