Some of the evidence might suggest, that you are with your colleagues and perhaps really not very popular.

do you get along with colleagues? If not, you should look at it in more detail, what might be the cause. Experts cite evidence that colleagues don’t like others obviously.

Like their colleagues? Six clues that may indicate the opposite

In the work* do not have to be thick friends. Pleasant and helpful, it is not, however, if colleagues in a Team well understand what promotes performance. But not always it works with the human-to-human communication in the office. The experts on “ call” six clues, you can recognize that you are your colleagues “not very popular”, and that “urgent action” on their part insist.

1. Colleagues go out of their way: you often Find yourself alone, go other to you seemingly out of the way. Why?

2. You will almost congratulated never. Be it the birthday, the birth of the child, the anniversary or the wedding: How the experts say, is the Congratulate in such cases, a “top-level colleagues on duty,” the courtesy areas alone. But what if the colleagues hold back? Maybe you just have a lot going on, the experts, or have not noticed it at all. “Or the other, you can not suffer and not be happy with you.”

3. They are not involved in the private communication : On Skype internally can be quite wonderful gossip, or in the WhatsApp group. “That your colleague, the group launched, but she has not been invited, obviously, you can learn only second Hand. He has not forgotten you is determined by chance …”, give the career Advisor to keep in mind.

also read : This is a phrase you never say to your boss

4 should. You get almost exclusively for E-mail : “my colleagues will write to you when the Meeting is taking place and why. The status of the current large-scale project. What tasks await you, and which business travel is the next to wait on you,” says corresponding examples. “It is quite clear”, so your advice, “the E-Mails belong to professional communication, but it can be noticeable that every personal encounter is avoided.” Often a conversation among four eyes is the better and faster Alternative.

5. You constantly receive criticism: Whether in the case of proposals, in a Meeting or otherwise: All you have to do or be, triggers criticism? If your colleagues leave out is simply not an opportunity, “you RUB it in my face – sometimes subtly, sometimes quite openly” is also an indication, the Council of experts.

6. You get no information : “What did the boss say* yesterday in the Meeting. Who is the human resources Department is seeking currently. What the IT guys are working on. Why the New after three days of the impossible made all of the colleagues do not know, share this information with you”, that is, according to the career Bible is another indication. “Even on demand, it not only gives monosyllabic answers – perhaps because you don’t want to, that you are in the know.”

conclusion: If the colleagues you don’t like, you should not ignore this. The communication is important. “It is easy to complain about the annoying colleagues, to criticize unpleasant qualities in others and to complain that the other make your own life harder,” says in addition. “It is more difficult, however, to be on your own nose and realize that you yourself are also so flawless.”

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