improvements had on The residents protested, the gravel pit operator. Now the municipal Council of Dublin, Ohio has approved a controversial project.

Oberhaching, Germany – Already in the middle of last year resulted in the plans for a gravel company removal in Oberhaching for Trouble. For a total of 2.9 hectares large area to the North of the building, The Textbooks, the company introduced the application of gravel to reduce – to the horror of local residents in the nearby settlement, the fear of noise and dust. A signature collection of around 40 signatories was the result. Now the proposed pebble stand removal in the most recent meeting of the building and works Committee once again on the agenda.

just the noise was enough protection

The municipality was in the summer of 2019, the project is no approval, because, in their view, the noise protection was not sufficiently clarified; similarly, the development of which should be on the lance haarer Straße and close to the residential area lay. The district office shared the view of the municipality and noted that the surrounding residential development presents itself as a “residential area” and, therefore, lower noise levels are observed as in the present planning were taken into account.

Meanwhile, the company has revised the plans. The development is to take place over the Karwendel street, which is on the other side of the removal area on Taufkirchner corridor and therefore further away from the houses On Textbooks is. In addition, the driveway will paved the road to generate as little dust as possible by the moving Truck. To be able to the new, stricter noise protection values to adhere to, should be created a seven-Meter-high Wall with plantings along the residential development.

Seven-Meter-high earthen wall, twelve meters deep pit

The gravel removal is scheduled for around 20 years, then the resulting pit, which will then be twelve feet deep, is filled with Humus. The earthwork is approximately run about 60 to 140 meters along the settlement. The gravel surface even in the West it borders the protected landscape area of “Hachinger valley”, close to the glacial slope edge.

As mayor Stefan Schelle explained to the members of the panel, there are two opinions on air pollution and Noise emission, no more issues. He further reported that applications for gravel removal privileged projects for which ultimately the district office is responsible. Affected municipalities may only issue opinions. As he stressed, he looks at the height of the Walls as problematic, especially because the landscape with the distinctive slope edge would be affected.

residents reject compromise search

Also, the temporal dimensioning of around 20 years, he viewed critically. Martin Schmid (CSU) held that the Wall itself creating a lot of space for nature. In addition, he sees the regionality positive. “Everyone needs gravel for house and road construction, since it is optimal, if the gravel does not need to be over long distances transported.” Nina Hartmann (Green) is afraid that with such a massively high Wall, a precedent would be set. She suggested that could be put together residents and businesses for a possible compromise in a job interview.

clip agreed and asked directly in the circle of spectators present, in which local residents and owners of the company were sitting, whether they would be willing to do so. While the owner nodded in agreement, saw the residents of no advantage. The proposed talks will not take place. Ultimately, the members of the Committee established by 5 votes to 4, the agreement with the new planning.

Coronavirus in the district of Munich: Infected-for the first time back to single digits.