Suddenly, one is bound to the Couch: most athletes dread from injury breaks.

Who had not been able to train once due to a wrong movement of the Sport for months, knows the depressing feeling.

You have to try the necessary recovery measures to comply strictly with and without the endorphins, which are otherwise distributed at the Sport, and for good mood care.

injuries also mental problems

Dr. Joann Lukins, Performance psychologist, in an Interview with the Portal ‘9Honey’ to bear in mind that it is especially important to take care of the mental health, if it is not made to the physical good.

“It is common that people have after an injury grief-like reactions”, says the expert.

“It often feels like one of the land be pulled from under its feet,“ explains Lukins, the feeling after an injury.

Particularly hard, with recurring injuries to be: “Then the persons Concerned do not have to think ‘again.'”

4 tips to stay despite sports injury positive

there’s No question that A sports injury is annoying. Nevertheless, it’s not worth it, during the regeneration phase, internally finished. With these four tips, it is easier to think positively.

1. Accept what

is what happened to The advice, in the case of an Overload or a painful fall liable to get up and keep going, you should not take into account.

Lukin’s stresses that it is essential to take a Moment and think about what you’ve been through.

“Acknowledge to yourself that you’ll spare you, for good reason,” she suggests. “No one can ever leave anything behind, if one accepts what happened. You don’t have to like it, but you have to accept it.”

you don’t, so Lukins, do it came often to a premature return to Training, but not back to a hundred percent fit.

“If you don’t accept it, and to the early starts again, you can aggravate the injury,” she says.

2. A Plan

to make working with a physiotherapist, a General practitioner or psychologist to create a Plan for recovery – is that the mind is just as important as for the body.

“people have problems, when life is out of control or unpredictable to the touch,” says Lukins. “A Plan gives you a sense of control and helps to feel more organized.”

3. The glass is half full

There is the expert, according to studies that show that the thoughts make a significant contribution to the sensation of pain kan.

Therefore, it is important to try during the injury break in good mental Constitution: “A crucial factor for recovery is the setting of your own,” says Lukins.

“By pessimism, you will feel miserable, and often leads to the fact that you don’t make good behavior decisions. You just think negatively and ask, for example, what is the physical therapy to be good, you will easily get anxious or depressed.”

If you get a rehab Plan and working towards it, to feel better, it will help the Lukin’s view, to be physically fit again.

“A positive mental approach to what you are going through and how to be the master, and even more re-Training can get in, is really helpful.”

4. From injury

learn, Sometimes, the misfortune of an injury break, a little bit of Good, you should run in front of you.

“A set of beliefs could be: ‘Perhaps the lesson to learn now that I should take it a little slower,'” suggests Lukis, with a view to the design of future training sessions.

Judith Kerstgens

*The post “Mental strength: that’s how you stay during injury breaks positive” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
