FOCUS Online : Mrs. Reinhart, Continental speaks of the most difficult quarter of the post-war period, revenue and Profit declines are dramatic. What is your strategy to with this extreme situation?

Ariane Reinhart : First of all, it’s about the economic sustainability of the company. 2021, Continental will be 150 years old and of course we want to be for another 300 years.

In the automotive field, we need to respond to excess capacity. 2017 world still produces more than 95 million passenger Cars and light commercial vehicles, this year will be according to the experts, below 70 million. This would correspond to a decrease of more than 25 percent. The Transformation: the transition to E-mobility, digitization, Artificial intelligence. What does this mean for products, what does this mean for Employees? Then all of these are challenging and complex conditions, which we have to face. Year-round, the best solution

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FOCUS Online : Once personally asked: How do you stay under these difficult conditions optimistic?

Reinhart : For me the glass is always half full, even when we are stuck in the worst Dilemma. What we are witnessing currently, has participated in none. But also many opportunities. And personally, I consider myself to be lucky: in addition to an intrinsic Motivation, a positive attitude and a great Team I have a great husband who still thinks chance-oriented than I am.

FOCUS Online : Star Economist Roubini expects the government measures, however, only an apparent recovery. Behind it he sees Ruin and Disaster to the economy roll. How is your Outlook on the rest of the year?

Reinhart : We suspect no V-shaped recovery but an L, it goes slowly to the top. Just a band-aid on the causes of sticking, so that we will not be sustainably healthy. We have all experienced a decade of growth, now we are in the middle of the recession. And if the location of Germany is also supposed to be in this decade are still competitive, then we need to see what technologies we implement.

to quickly move to pure E-cars will cost jobs

FOCUS Online : The agreed economic stimulus package is focused on future technologies like E-mobility, burners stay outside. What is your assessment?

Reinhart : It is important that we proceed in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly mobility. Contrary to the widespread opinion, modern burners from Germany to make a contribution. Because they fulfill the world’s strictest emissions regulations, and are even cleaner than pure E-vehicles, which are loaded with coal power. If the CO2 regulation is forcing the industry to set very quickly to pure electric cars, then you need to look but also to be fair, in the mirror and say: it will cost jobs! As for E-cars, we need fewer employees in the production as for vehicles with petrol or diesel engines. We have said to the policy, we go all the way, but it will cost jobs. And if I asked what your answer is to the fact, I received a is often just a shrug of the shoulders.

It is in the partnership: If we decide for a path, then we must also say, honestly, what will be the associated consequence, and then also to look forward.

FOCUS Online : In an internal message, from the first week of June Conti swears-CEO Elmar a Degenhart employees on a pending austerity, but wants to drive at the same time, important development projects forward. Where is Continental going to be slimmer?

Reinhart : In the end, we look at potential savings in expenditure, particularly in the topics that are not related to a project or customer. The Management has to prioritize.

FOCUS Online : When terminations will be discussed: there Are cycles of time, what employees need to set?

Reinhart : This can only be the Ultima Ratio. Nobody knows whether we get a second wave of the Coronavirus. It would be unfair to say that we close it – and then it occurs, however. I’m always for transparency. But we will check of course all the other instruments, before we resort to the most drastic measure. Webinar with Dirk Müller: Here, you have to now

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we are all aware that we are in an exceptional situation. Therefore, we must be able to bring all our experience and ideas together, as we have this crisis, to the detriment of generations. The worst thing would be that the people from falling into long-term unemployment. I don’t know whether you are aware that we have more than 10,000 employees with no training at Continental in Germany or have done something Industry else’s. These jobs are faster than others, at risk. Therefore, we train these employees in the framework of the qualification opportunities act, in order to receive a specialist training, irrespective of Corona.

FOCUS Online : When companies talk of layoffs, anxious to however, the employees, or?

Reinhart : When I look at today’s instruments box, then it will be difficult to do without it. That’s why we need new ideas and creative solutions with the employee representatives, in order to reduce the “Ultima Ratio” to a Minimum or even not take.

Continental has been offering in 2016, mobile Working, part-time and Sabbaticals to

FOCUS Online : What look you have on all of them, including the policy, just trying to think of work and from qualification of talk?

Reinhart : to qualify for Just makes no sense, also the target position and the demand must be there. Everything else would be de-motivating and a waste of resources.

In the case of Continental, we have already started 2016 with a new Work, which is now a competitive advantage. With us there are for all mobile Working, part-time, or the possibility of a sabbatical. Also in the factory: It’s about the setting, to be able to work flexibly organize. As in France, it is normal that employees preparatory work to take several weeks of summer holidays.

FOCUS Online : , The Continental Board of Directors waived 10% of his compensation. You don’t have the fear that the staff sees this as too symbolic act?

Reinhart : It is a Symbol of solidarity. In addition, Our salaries are two-thirds also variable and there is not expect for this year so much. The incision is significant. It’s about our value in the company “connectedness” that we wanted to make it clear and to give a Signal.

Continental wants to be independent from the auto industry

FOCUS Online : Continental has diagnosed the cardiac arrest in the car industry. You do not need to create as a supplier to an impossibility, and regardless of the clients that have made it big and strong?

Reinhart : It is one of our strategic objectives, 40 percent of our sales outside of the car to make mobile original equipment. Today, we are already at almost 30 percent. Here, customers, or replacement parts, for example, our business with industry. But in principle, we consider with the client: Who does in the future, what, who has what skills? In the case of Software or integration solutions, we are better than the car manufacturer.

FOCUS Online : we Throw however, a positive look into the future: What are the opportunities caused by the crisis for Continental and the company?

Reinhart : We worry about a pandemic safer production and how the processes look like in the future. The compulsive agility could stop and have a positive impact. A very important point are the supply chains for me. It has been shown for Europe, how vulnerable they are.

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