In Washington, new demonstrations were held to denounce police violence and racism. Monday 22 June, protesters tried to bring down a statue located in front of the White House. This statue depicts the former president Andrew Jackson, who supported slavery. At the end of the day, some protesters crossed the security perimeter reinforced around the White House in order to hang on to long ropes to the statue of seventh us president.

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On one side of the statue, located on Lafayette Square, the word “killer” (” killer “) was written in black letters, has been a journalist for Agence France-Presse. Andrew Jackson, who occupied the White House from 1829 to 1837, is a controversial figure particularly for his past slavery and because he has also remained in history for having massively made to deport the indian tribes. “We had ropes, chains, a pulley to pull and we were going to (…) drop the statue,” said the Agence France-Presse Monday, a protester, aged twenty years, preferring to remain anonymous. “The police attacked us and started to use of pepper gas,” said another protester, Raymond Spaine, 52 years old, is cleaning the eyes.

A statue of the general of the south Albert Pike already degraded

hundreds of people were still gathered on Monday evening on the newly renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza, a helicopter flying over the area while the police continued to disperse the gathering with shots of pepper. The protest triggered after the death of the black American George Floyd, asphyxiated by a white policeman at the end of may, has reopened the debate around monuments linked to slavery, several of which have been knocked down or vandalized. In Washington, a statue of the general of the south Albert Pike has been put down and degraded on Friday night.

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The president, Donald Trump is an admirer of president Andrew Jackson, that he has in the past hailed as the first president ” populist “. Five days after his inauguration, Donald Trump had displayed the portrait of his distant predecessor in the oval Office. He had also laid a wreath at the tomb of the latter to his plantation in Tennessee (the south) to the 250th anniversary of his birth.

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