After all: If he keeps out of political discussions, is good for the Markus-Lanz-concept for Infotainment. It’s just a pity that so little is really out of date.

Markus Lanz to swing in his ZDF*talk show at the beginning of the investigative journalists. The discussion turns first to the Corona-onset* in the it works . After 35 minutes, Markus Lanz* swivels around suddenly in the harmless.

to make it short: There are consequences of “Markus Lanz” , which upset us friends of the debate the culture deeply. Rude interruptions, obvious bogus arguments that uncorrected false claims, biased Moderation. But this was not one of these.

Instead,> Markus Lanz on swung <strong to the investigative journalists, however, flanked by one of his favorite guests, the Deputy world editor-in-chief Robin Alexander in this role significantly more likely to be home. And so these two spent quite informative and entertaining first half an hour, the CDU-district administrator of the district were to extend the village of Olaf Gericke and the CDU Chancellery chief Helge Braun afterwards, find out how it could come to the massive outbreak in the Tönnies plant in Gütersloh.

Markus Lanz on ZDF: An amazingly competent investigation of the Corona outbreak in Tönnies

What is knock quite a conservative Shoulder-round would be, was instead a surprisingly competent and ruthless reconnaissance, at the time of the alleged Bogeymen, such as Armin Laschet and Markus Söder from the C-came parties. Gericke describes the catastrophic living and working conditions of 1500 infected meat-workers: the company employs a dubious sub-contractors, so that there is no list with the identity and place of residence of the workers, of Social or health insurance, or to silence a labour protection.

“we Knew it all already?”, ask Markus Lanz completely to the right. Alexander agrees: the Hand does not have all protective about this amoral working conditions , in order not to endanger the economic location, the chickens coming home to roost: The workers are part scattered to contacts to understand part of the car has risen, to drive just to get home quickly, also the communication is Albanian and Bulgarian is not easy for the health Department. From the socio-legal Problem, which was ignored, is suddenly a health problem that you can no longer ignore.

ZDF Talkshow Markus Lanz: Long discussion of Tönnies

Chancellery chief brown , after all, has the perfect answer: You are working already on it. For ten years, you would have tried it in the meat industry with self-commitments, now is finally enough. After the events in West meat a law was begun design that will soon be introduced in the summary proceedings, in order for this industry to come out from the bottom of the slave labour .

only the question of whether it as promised, at least in this quarantine time , the workers, room and Board, drugs, or if you were abducted, as in the past, even this minimal social responsibility also Remains.

Markus Lanz on ZDF: disagreement in Söder, and Laschet

more Important is the fundamental question of what to do now seems to be, since the child is now in the fountain. Here, too, Alexander is the most precise voice. Actually, it was in April: In case of Exceeding a certain number of infections, there are, at least locally and for a limited time a return to the action in front of the 20. April. So complete Lockdown .

Only somehow you seems to not agree: Markus Söder is it Laschet want to have never promised. It’s a perfect one-player from a previous consignment of Markus Lanz shows how much Laschet already has a wound, this serious case even to think about. And so all the responsibility, until she ends up in the local politics, and Alexander declared, and rightly, that no district’s population is cut in the first week of vacation, if he wants to be re-elected.

virologist Alexander Kekulé, may, in the ZDF-Talkshow of Markus Lanz complexity to the theme

Clear announcements so: Beijing has been limited to 150 cases, the whole city but in Gütersloh if you want to observe to 600 cases for the first time? But also remaining uncertainties. A unique solution is not in sight, but an important discussion is initiated.

And then the virologist Prof. Alexander Kekulé is allowed even more complexity to the topic: in a 50 single cases are often track heavier than 500 employees, when all are found and isolate easy. So simple so this is not a unique number of infections . And a warning, which you can hear on this day by other virologists such outbreaks, we will have to deal, at the latest, in the fall significantly more often, we should prepare ourselves better.

Wise comparisons, consistent receivables: Is the Markus Lanz?

Moment time – wise international comparisons, coherent claims, scientific complexity, and a cautious pessimism? the the Markus Lanz Is? yeah, Well, so very pleased to welcome the first 35 minutes as a good information television praise, all the more abrupt for the presenter to pivots after that, unfortunately. After all, not in his sometimes wacky digressions or conservative dreams, but in the harmless. He asks the Chancellery Minister, as was so when he first heard of this Virus, the “friends and Familiar was suddenly possible Gefährdern”.

But brown is a very smooth character who sums up again in 20 minutes, the entire Covid-history in Germany together – for all of the layers of the last five months under a rock in a coma. A couple of Times Markus Lanz to drilling, trying, what, in February and March, everything could have been done better, but in principle he shares with all his guests is of the opinion that it is lost in the face of poor early facts of the situation in Germany is actually surprisingly lightly – so far.

ZDF Talkshow Markus Lanz pivots to Donald Trump

So, another pivot, this time to Donald Trump* and his re-election campaign, which – Surprise – fails in a racist, divisive and highly unappetizing. This is neither new nor up-to-date urgency. But the fact that the US expert Sandra Navidi on the subject of Trump would like to be used, of course, words such as “fascistic” and “cult of the leader” and not give in addition to your seat at the end of the Chancellery Minister of the time appeared as if he wanted to qualify such judgments, shows after all, as unanimously disastrous, with the ratio even of the conservative German Establishment to Donald Trump is now available.

Also resembled not so new and urgent and full of meaning as the facts of the current Covid-outbreak . But, after all, a utilitarian piece of the Puzzle in an overall above average informative broadcast. (D. J. Fred Eriksson)

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network