three weeks Ago the police detained a deranged poisoner, the solvent was filled in the supermarket beverage. Now The woman has been poisoned 2018 children.

Munich, deadly soft drinks have been in the super markets found. Three people were poisoned, investigators came to a suspects on the track. The transmissions PM up to mischief – Are there other yet undiscovered cases?

Munich – This is probably the worst thing you can imagine! With this sentence, Prosecutor Anne Leiding brings with it a “Horror-show” for all parents on the point. A nightmare that has become November 2018 for a family, As she attends a event for children in Gasteig in München*, is the two daughters suddenly dizzy. The seven-and ten-year-old girls throw up, faint. The alerted emergency doctor sends you to a hospital immediately. It shows The children were solvent-poisoned . At that time, the police is a mystery. Now there is the Soko Tox “concrete and substantial suspicions” that the poisoner, which was taken at the beginning of June, is also for this terrible act is responsible.

Munich: Confused wife used solvents for intoxication in super markets

As reported, this is a confused woman , which is currently housed in a psychiatric hospital. Because of their state of mind is, according to Leiding unclear whether the woman charge will be charged. “It may also be that we make a request for accommodation.” Being investigated for attempted murder, dangerous bodily harm and homicidal poisoning. The 56-Year-old should have to be provided in March and April 2020, two super markets, four bottles with solvent . What exactly is not telling the police. “We don’t want any copycats,” says spokesman Marcus da Gloria Martins.

+ New track leads a special investigator in the Gasteig: the perpetrator has probably hit as early as 2018 the course.©FKN

can be had, The dose, the the poisoner in the soft drinks was, for the victims of a fatal. The two affected women (34 and 42), as well as a man (48) complained of dizziness, Nausea and circulatory problems. A bottle of could make sure the police are still in the Store.

Not only in Munich: Nausea after consumption of beverages? Police are looking for Affected

Possible, that affected more people are not reported to the police. You ask 089/29 100 notes – which do not come from München . “The woman was a nationwide on-the-go,” explains Josef Wimmer. Head of the murder Commission. In addition, there were trips in Germany and abroad. So it could be that more cases of come to the light of day. How the sneaky Apple juice-attack 2018 from the Gasteig*.

at the Time, the 56-Year-old was noticed because of her strange behavior, several visitors. That you gave the solvent in the Apple juice , the open car on top of a bar, has seen, according to Wimmer but no one. Shortly thereafter, she was sent to a doctor’s office, when she was in treatment, a post-card. The words: Gasteig, emergency physician, and the Name of the event. The practice of the anonymous sent card headed to the police that at the beginning of the investigation. “With the Knowledge of today,” says Wimmer, “reads the card very different from the ignorance of the time”. * is an offer of Ippen Digital network

section list image:©FKN