2016 was agreed between the EU Commission and Online platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and co., hate to delete posts faster. The agreement is to be effective, as the latest Figures from the EU Commission show.

Brussels (dpa) – The fight against hatred and incitement in the Internet is progressing according to the EU Commission: Online platforms like Facebook and Twitter check now, significantly more reported hate comments than four years ago. According to a report by the EU Commission.

The company’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Jeuxvideo.com verified therefore last, on average, 90 percent of the allegedly illegal hate comments within 24 hours, in 2016, it had been only 40 percent. Were removed an average of 71 percent. This is approximately at the level of the previous year. Particularly, the contributions of violence or threats of murder were removed. Comments that were reported because of their defamatory language, tolerated the company, however, more and more often.

in 2016, the EU Commission agreed with Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube a code of conduct, the since then, further companies joined. They thus commit themselves to strengthen the fight against hate crime on the Internet are addressed.

In the comparison of Companies came Jeuxvideo.com 2020 in the first place. The Online magazine for video games to put out, according to the report, all the reported comments. Behind Facebook came up with almost 88 percent of deleted messages. Just Twitter away this year, with approximately 36 percent less comments than in the previous year.

“of The code of conduct (…) is a success story,” said the responsible EU Commissioner Vera Jourova. However, only Facebook informed according to the report, so far, systematically those users that have created, affected, comments, or marked. All other companies have some catching up to do. It is time that all companies followed the same Standards and liabilities, said Jourova.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200623-99-529724/3

report of the EU Commission

press release