A new Corona-the outbreak stops in the district of Starnberg (Bavaria) in breath. A Catering company had to close. They provided rags, among other things, the hospital is great.

According to a Coronavirus outbreak in a refugee will be well-known accommodation in Hechendorf with 16 infections slowly the extent of the infection in the district of Starnberg . 44 employees of the caterer who provided rag, among other things, the University hospital are infected. To 18 come now Infected accommodation in the Refugee. All the latest News in the district of Starnberg, you will read always up to date on our regional home page.

Corona outbreak in caterers in the district of Starnberg – in the meantime, 44 Infected

Update, 29. June, 19.33 PM: concerned catering company from Landkreis Starnberg quarrel supplied by, among other things, the LMU clinic, has considerably more Corona-cases as originally adopted. The Landratsamt Starnberg tells in a recent press release. Therefore, the infected employee from the asylum seeker accommodation to the previously reported ten cases (, see original article) and another 34 tested positive for employees.

After the first positive cases were known, caused the district office testing all of the approximately 100 employees of the Caterers . The results are now there and with an additional 34, for a total of 44 positive Corona-cases under the employees . The employees come not only from the district of Starnberg, but from different counties in the area. All of the employees since the announcement of the first cases in quarantine.

the Corona is Noticed outbreak in a home for asylum seekers in the district of Starnberg. Multiple living there, asylum seekers are working for the Caterer. In the asylum home, there are now 18 cases. Where is the origin of the outbreak is not yet clear. Through the various health authorities in all of the country concerned, the contact persons are determined circles.

The Caterer, LMU clinic supplied, among other things, Großhadern and provided there 2000 patients and much more employees with food and Drink. The supply of food is secured, in the meantime, however, assured the caterers on request of our editorial staff.

Corona outbreak in the district of Starnberg: caterers supplied the entire Klinikum Großhadern with food

Update, 29. June 17 PM: The Catering company, which to date ten of the Corona cases, has supplied, among other things, the LMU Klinikum Großhadern in Munich . There were bottlenecks. Apparently, about 2000 patients are affected. “There is only one bag of soup and biscuits,” writes Twitter User(in) Dr. Grace.

The press office of the LMU writes on request of our editorial:

“The closure relates to the food supply for patients and employees of the LMU University hospital, Campus Großhadern and clinics at the downtown Campus. An alternative supply for the hospital was organized together with the service provider, so that the food supply of patients and employees is always ensured.“

Corona outbreak in the district of Starnberg: Ten cases at a Catering company – authority includes company

Original article from the 27. June: Starnberg/Hechendorf office Starnberg closed at the weekend, a Catering company in a circle, as a precautionary measure after the case of ten of the approximately 100 employees of the company the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has been demonstrated. All ten live in a refugee accommodation in Hechendorf. There are, according to Numbers from the Saturday evening so far, 16 cases – in the case of officially 33 residents. District administrator Stefan Frey: “The immediate closure of the site in the district is Infection control is mandatory.”

Corona outbreak in the district of Starnberg: the inhabitants of a week ago, positive

tested in the middle of the week, the first inhabitants of the Hechendorfer accommodation had been tested positive he had symptoms and was gone in a practice. After that, the district office let all the inhabitants to test, had to leave after ten but only looking. An eleventh is completely gone, according to him, the police are hunting. Since almost all the residents are recognized refugees, they are not tied to the property. Up to six residents all have been tested. Of these 27 Tests, three results are not yet available, a further 15 were positive. The Affected have mild or no symptoms. How the Virus enters the property, is unclear and will probably not be clarified.

Corona outbreak in Starnberg: Series of tests have worked in other counties

As of the officially 33 residents, ten at a Catering company – in which, said district administrator Stefan Frey having regard to data protection – will be closed this company on a provisional basis for two weeks. The approximately 100 employees will be tested; only just under a third of them lives in the district of Starnberg. that’s Why health Department Director Dr. Lorenz Schröfl has turned on the authorities in the other circuits and in the city of Munich, carrying out the Tests on Sunday. Results at the earliest on Monday evening. Also the customers of the company – almost all outside of the County, mostly other businesses – were informed. A Virus dissemination food is considered to be extremely unlikely.

No panic, just the facts: What is the theme of Coronavirus and what is not

Corona in Starnberg: Two weeks of quarantine of contact persons

the Caterer are also employed residents from other residential complexes in the district, which are now considered to be contact persons and therefore, in a residential complex in Munich, were transferred. You will be tested and must remain two weeks in quarantine. Also, the non-infected residents in Hechendorf, in quarantine.

Frey spoke of the “biggest outbreak” in the district of Starnberg during the pandemic, and stressed the warnings of a second wave to be justified. Although the County is now up to the Seven-day value at just under 12 (measures are provided from 35), was it already decided to the chain of Infection to break at once, said the district administrator. With refugees that have nothing to do with it – it could have been a different establishment.

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The latest Figures on Corona-pandemic for the district, you can find here.