While the debate about speed limits, stops on the motorways, the Germans put motorists on ever stronger engines. Reason for the cheap fuel could be prices.

Munich (dpa) – for decades, a continuing Trend to more and higher-powered cars in Germany is unbroken. The average new car had PS, according to industry expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer in the last year 159.

this year, between January and may of registered vehicles in the intersection were even 166 HP. At the same time, the share of small cars in new registrations fell from 20 to 18 percent.

Even in times of crisis such as the recession after the reunification in 1993 and of the Euro crisis in 2012/13, the HP increased Numbers of new vehicles. The average new car in Germany was in 1990, 92 HP, the engine performance up to the financial crisis of 2008, continuously to 131 HP.

The only decline in the past 30 years, according to Dudenhöffer, 2009, when the scrappage scheme was the share of small cars to the new cars by 34 percent and the average engine power to 118 HP decreased. But already in the following year, the previous level was reached again, and since then, the HP increase from year to year goes on.

Duden Bonhoeffer forecast: “Even after the Covid-19 pandemic will be the HP Numbers of new Cars in Germany are on the rise.” At current fuel prices, the incentive was low, “to buy the car a number of small”. Higher purchase prices would be accepted after a certain period of time. The motors are climate-friendly, “but HP-more cars will dominate with a high probability of the roads in the future. The long time series of data from the past suspect.”

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