1. The hope not

In the first Moment you want to, of course, “no, there are several great loves in your life” say to give up. The love feels too good to experience only Once, or? If we are Single, we also receive the hope that there’s something Bigger, Stronger, unprecedented is waiting for us. We have found, however, our better half, we wish, of course, you may never depart from our side.

the ladies of “Sex and the City” discussed this on the one hand romantic, but also very scary question. What if you lost your love for life again? Charlotte opened the round and put two big Love to debate. Quickly the subject was changed, as you noted, that Carrie would have to conclude according to this theory, already with the love. Relationships with Mr. Big and Aidan were already behind her. Or Aidan was just a fling and John James Preston is just a “big love”? In the movie there was a Happy ending…

“Sex and the City”: The 20 best men from the cult series

2. Expectations are not too high

the romantics who agree to Have a relationship start if the butterflies in swarms, flutter, Hunger, thirst, and sleep are no longer of relevance, and the passion is so strong that you can’t looked to put into words, just too many Hollywood Schmonzetten? And the people convinced of a partnership in the next slide, we always assume it was the one and only true love (until the next Liaison) – don’t know what true love is? Or are you only satisfied with less, because you don’t want to be alone, not in the mood to search forever for the one Person or simply not to the whole soul mate thing to believe? Maybe you sail with your Partner on a shallow, but safe River, instead of riding on a shaky, but the huge wave of passion?

6 romantic Gestures of the Old-school

3. New relationships

don’t over-analyse It is very romantic, even before the Start of a relationship the same already überanalysiert and to have their success rate, rational rating. The question of whether our next Partner may, at least theoretically, the man – or men – for life, will answer, however, anyway, by itself – at least if one takes the words of Oscar Wilde to heart: “Every Time you love, it is the first Time that you love.”

Also in the glam unity is spoken about the great love. Discuss it with:

you Can be a relationship without the right to lead in love?

How was your first great love?

This article was written by (Vanessa Schwake)

*The post “With these 3 tips, you are guaranteed to find your new love” will be released by Glamour. Contact with the executives here.
