The film legend and Oscar winner Olivia de Havilland is dead. She died on Sunday in Paris with 104 years of natural causes, confirmed the spokesperson of the German press Agency. Was blown away known de Havilland for her role as Melanie Hamilton in the southern epic, “The wind” (1939).

As a child born of British parents in Tokyo, drew, Olivia de Havilland as a small child to California. The Austrian man of the theatre, Max Reinhardt discovered the 19-Year-old in the role of Hermia from Shakespeare’s “a Midsummer night’s dream”. The film Studio Warner Brothers took them for seven years under contract and brought them out to the side of the Eroll Flynn in size. Eight movies you shot with the heart-breaker.

love-Affairs-rumors have never been.

in 1946, confirmed she won her first Oscar in the lead role of “To Each His Own”The Film was shown in Germany under the title “mother’s heart”. Three years later, the award came as a best actress in William Wyler’s “The Heiress” (heiress). Much recognition has been given to her as a neurotic eccentric in “The dark mirror” and “The snake pit”. Daphne du Maurier suggested in 1952 for the main role in the film adaptation of her novel “My cousin Rachel”. The piece became a success worldwide. With their long-time friend Bette Davis, she played in “lullaby for a corpse”.

From the marriage with the writer Marcus Goodrich (1946 to 1953) was the son of Benjamin. In Paris, married de Havilland on the journalist, Pierre Paul Galante, and had a daughter, Gisèle with him. This marriage also broke up. Rumors of an affair with the former British Prime Minister, Edward Heath, were, however, never confirmed.
