
it looks Good. Three-day beard. Summer grey blazer to a Polo shirt, faded Jeans, and brightly-coloured sneakers. Also the fit at the left wrist indicates that one has survived the crisis year 2020, best of all, since one has very much, because one wants to move very, very much. The signals, the FDP party Chairman Christian Lindner for the ZDF cameras are brought into the “Berlin – summer interview”. There is one fit as its sneakers. As far as the staging. Has he anything to say?

Christian Lindner: “With me, there is no interaction with the AfD,”

“I will speak with you about the corona-crisis and the crisis of the liberal,” begins Shakuntala Banerjee your Interview. The Deputy head of the capital studios to be used for the root. Christian Lindner, also the issues to his party, his role and his leadership style. The ZDF reminded that the FDP failed in Hamburg at the Five-percent-hurdle. The public broadcaster plays a photo of the chair shows the FDP, as he embraced in the middle of the corona of a crisis with a Mouth guard to the chin of a man. And the “shame of Thuringia” is twice on the subject.

FDP-man Thomas Kemmerich had with the votes of the AfD to the Prime Minister to choose. The ZDF shows Kemmerich after the election, and before his resignation: “He congratulated me and good nerves are required.” The resist Lindner speaks with a other memory of this phone call. He had already made clear early on: “With me as a party Chairman, there is no interaction with the AfD.” In contrast to the other, he was driven immediately to Erfurt, to the resignation of kemmerich’s to enforce.

Thomas Kemmerich now thinking again to the public via a top candidate for the FDP in Thuringia, is the Chairman of the Federal party is very obvious. But the party is not a “branch system”, does not justify Linder, which is why it can to Thuringia by rule. And he formulated it with a little matter, but at the same time significant malignancy: “I don’t rate with regard to their own family to run.” FOCUS Online

Personal viciousness against Spahn

The can you like, if politicians from the political level into Personal slip. You do not need to but. However, Christian Lindner, the remains this evening in this style.

“I’m worried,” said the FDP Chairman, when it comes to the Corona driven by holiday returnees – and don’t forget, at this point in to place a next to set his personal malice against the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn: “the is in holiday”. And, second attack against Spahn: “It’s a little late, if it is only now, a concept for holiday returnees will be developed.”

And Söder? “An almost romantic devotion to…”

As the second target of attack by Christian Lindner identifies the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Söder, has convinced in the six months of Corona, in Germany, many people, as a crisis Manager. An “almost romantic veneration of Mr. Söder”, is Lindner’s funny. To put real own accents, finds hard to believe.

“We put a Liberal on personal responsibility,” he says, though. The mill is the prayer. But he must also add: “I am now with the government crisis strategy in agreement.” At least the VAT reduction displeases the FDP Chairman. Less bureaucracy would be just as sweet as the more competitive. Oh, and by the money that the state waived by the reduced VAT, you can restore all Schulklos. “I still have something,” says Christian Lindner. If the German project is also currently with this Linder is still a thing?

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