Last line right for the draft law on bioethics, which opens the medically assisted procreation (map) for all women. The controversial bill makes its return on Monday, July 27, in front of the national Assembly, with some 2 300 amendments to the menu for the week and new ministers to the front. This is the last text of this summer session, with a legislative time scheduled for 25 hours, which can double in the facts. The kick-off will be given at the end of the day. “It’s going to be a little more rock’n roll than in a first reading. How much it will be in the chamber ? a fifty ? ” asks a manager, concerned about the votes. “The party is going to play “, welcomes, to the contrary, William Chick, an ex-Walker.

Pressed by associations and part of the majority, the government has chosen to sign this bill, which is must to realize the promise of Emmanuel Macron on the LDCS, and it had been postponed because of the crisis of the sars coronavirus. The opponents there are additional arguments : a review ” on the sly “, ” in the midst of economic crisis “, requiring other priorities, has yet denounced Annie Genevard (LR) during the last questions to the government. His group, the wind standing against a ” PMA without a father “, has overwhelmingly voted against the draft law in first reading. But the text “door in her advanced social, societal, medical, and scientific” and ” is expected by a large part of the French population “, he said, the minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

also Read Michel Richard – LDCS for all : a case quickly and badly shipped

Many see this review as a sign to the left. But the leader LREM Aurore Bergé says : the bill ” is not labeled left or right “. His flagship measure is the extension of the LDCS to single women and female couples. It also includes an amendment to the access to origins for persons born through a sperm donation, or even the self-preserving oocytes and the research on embryonic stem cells.

A text approved by the Senate in February

Ex-member of parliament LREM, Olivier Veran has taken the place of Agnès Buzyn. At the chancellery, it was Eric Dupond-Moretti, who succeeded Nicole Belloubet, and will have to defend the delicate pane of the reform of filiation. On the research, a little less polemic, it is always Frédérique Vidal that driver, in contrast. In October 2019 in the first reading, the text had been adopted at the end of two and a half weeks of heated exchange. The Senate was then validated in February 2020, but modified, limiting the reimbursement by the social Security only to the LDCS to ” medical “. Mps are back in commission on most of these changes. Under the spur of elected officials in the advanced, they have also adopted the authorization of the donation of gametes directed between two women within a couple, if one of them suffers from infertility (a technique known as ROPA), and the extension of the preimplantation diagnosis to the search for chromosomal abnormalities.

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Strongly opposed to the bill, the association Alliance Vita objected to ” serious transgressions “, arguing for ” stop[er] to do anything “. And the Manif for all, which was a Monday on the outskirts of the Palais-Bourbon, sees in the ROPA, “the antechamber of surrogacy” (use of a surrogate mother). The government remains “unfavourable” to this technique, said Olivier Véran. The same on the enlargement of the pre-implantation diagnosis, even if, as an mp previously, he was for. And the boss of deputies Walkers, Gilles, The Son-in-law, to call for ” do not re-open debates settled “, despite the “temptation” of some and the “freedom to vote” on the text.

So the battle in the chamber could also take place within the majority. Very committed, the co-rapporteur Jean-Louis Touraine (LREM) considers that ” the executive becomes a little chilly “. “If there was a referendum, I am convinced that the text would be more progressive than today,” assured the professor of medicine at the magazine Têtu. The right, which underlines that, whatever happens, the text will not have finished its course parliamentary, had in vain asked for his position the new Prime minister, Jean Castex (ex-RL).

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TRIBUNE. LDCS, GPA : survival strategies among others