“Also, the DFG would like to stress that they wanted to evaluate with the removal of the contribution, by no means, Lord, Nuhrs personal attitude to science”, the DFG has notified us on your Website.

The DFG had asked Nuhr originally themselves, to participate, as well as other celebrities in the Online-action #for the knowledge. After Nuhrs contribution had also been on Twitter, there had been many critical comments. There to read, among other things, state: “science is just THAT, the opinion changes when the facts change. Science is not a doctrine of salvation, not a Religion, the proclaimed absolute truths is. And who calls constantly ‘Follow the science’ has not understood this obvious.”

In the past year had triggered Nuhr already with satirical Remarks about the climate activist Greta Thunberg contradiction.

see also: side blow against Greta Thunberg? Research company deletes post by Dieter Nuhr – is denounced

criticism of DFG after removal of Nuhrs campaign contribution

The DFG received the information criticism “of numerous representatives of the science”. Further, it is not to say of her: “To saw your Regret the DFG in the situation, in the short term and during a part of aggressive Twitter discussion, with a clear assessment of the comments made.” On Friday, you have finally decided to take the post from the page and from the Youtube channel. On the Twitter channel that he had not been, however, deleted.

only criticized the removal on his Facebook Account. It was a new experience for him, that an organization will succumb to, such as the German research society, “the ideologues in the network”. “This is not only amazing, but scares me, because I’m now a McCarthy-like atmosphere in the country, and in the course of the Cancel Culture see also freedom of thought and of research in General in danger.”

Nuhr: explain science to the salvation narrative,is the opposite of science

described The DFG had informed him that she had to give in to “the criticism”, to “damage from the DFG avert”, Nuhr. “I’m afraid, the greater the damage is, if the German research society to be engaged in critical and by no means extremist or conspiracy to make theoretical voices silenced.” He had never argued science with hostility.

Also interesting: post with Greta-reasons deleted – vortex to the deleted post: research Foundation apologizes in Nuhr

he, Too, have always said that Fridays for the Future is, in fact, sympathetic. The phrase “Follow the science” believe that he, however, cause for concern, “because it suggests that there is a sacred, opinion and solution strategy for climate change”. If the science is declared to be the salvation narrative, is the opposite of science.

Nuhr rejects DFG-offer

has Now involved in the DFG according to its own data-intensive with the Statement and found that only expressed a few sentences in a similar Form already in connection with Greta Thunberg. In this highly polarized debate, the DFG does not want to apply within the campaign, but position. “The DFG provides Mr only but very like to a in the light of the current debate commented Again-Online-the time of his Statements,” wrote the Bonn-based organization.

Nuhr did not accept the apology, however. The newspaper “The world” he said: “there’s nothing to accept. That’s no excuse. The DFG has not regretted the cancellation, but merely the fact that she has not told me.”

also read: guest commentary – Dieter Nuhr is not a “comedian”, and science must not be politically correct.

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