the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn expresses numbers from 11 o’clock to the current Infection and test strategy.

press conference with Spahn in the Live Stream: how to

  • press conference: Live Stream on Youtube
  • Here you can., the Statement read

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Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn, has defended the requirement to Wear a mouth-nose protection in certain areas in Public. “To me, the mask is annoying to Wear sometimes, but it really is in comparison to all the other things that we have experienced in March, April, a real moderate means,” said the CDU politician in the “Morning Briefing”Podcast (Wednesday) by Gabor Steingart. It would be better to make a mask in certain situations things are possible than you can at some point no longer possible, he said, referring to restaurant visits or purchases.

Spahn: “in Order to protect the freedom of others, there are at certain Points in mask

The freedom argument is a mask-opponents said Spahn: “freedom is never infinite, and without the freedom of the other. And here it is about the others in the shop, in the subway, in restaurants, to protect their freedom, their physical integrity.”

The question of whether someone will get sick, have something to do with freedom and Not-freedom. It’s going to be a consideration. “And here is the decision: was To protect the freedom of others, there are at certain Points in masks.” The Virus is still there, and there, where you have to make it easy for him to go on once again very quickly, said Spahn, with reference to other countries with high infection numbers. Eyewitness video of Explosion in Beirut, from different angles, FOCUS Online/Wochit eye witness Videos show Explosion in Beirut from different angles

strm /dpa