It is yellow and thick. As you get to know him. However, on the almost 1300 pages between the two covers of this book, a lot has happened: After the circulation of 2017, a new spelling Duden appears to be this Wednesday. In spite of the influences by the crisis, it has become not really a “Corona-Duden,” said editor-in-chief, Kathrin Kunkel-Razum. Also in the case of other topics, such as, for example, climate/environment, technology, and gender justice, there have been developments that are now taken into account.

From the “telephone connection”

3000 new keywords after publishing details in the 28. Edition, 148 000 in total. The scope is comprehensive Duden, ever. Among the new words, which would have still given up a year ago puzzle: Covid-19, reproduction number, and Lockdown, for example. Also entries in the contagion chain, intensive care bed and a protective breathing mask can check interested, according to the Kunkel-Razum.

“Coronavirus stand already,” she says. After the Sars outbreak in 2002/03, the word had been well received. Also, Corona has already been included, but with a different meaning. After it fails in the new dictionary, you will find two explanations: Corona as a female first name, and “ugs. for Coronavirus[disease]“.

An excerpt from the list of new additions comes a quick run through debates and Trends of the past few years the same: everyday racism, bee-friendly, Chia seeds, diesel affair, explanatory video, Fridays for the Future. Next: gender asterisk, Hatespeech, Influencer, climate emergency, load column, measles vaccination, Netflix series, oldschool. And with: free of pesticides, right terrorist, Shisha, transgender, upload, filter, video proof, Whatsapp-group-and – wink smiley. But there are also around 300 words, which died of old age or are landed on the word dump. So was the fate of the parish Lord, to the chamber maid and the telephone connection.

New students*include: “inside”

For the first Time users can find in the Duden evidence for gender fair language use. A topic for which there is no standard. Kunkel-Razum is looking forward to the reactions to the new three-sides – knowing that you can provide for discussion. “We make a point to say that this is not a rule that we prescribe,” she says. The should not the editors and not wool, but you get a lot of inquiries on the subject. Kunkel-Razum says, the editors have sought to describe the problems and the existing solution variants. Wolfgang Kumm/dpa “3000 words more”: The new Duden

In the Duden is now, for example, about the controversial gender star: It was observed that this variation in the writing practice “more and more”. To find had especially in contexts in which gender will no longer only as a female or male to be understood, and the possibility of further categories should be displayed. As an example, pupils will be called: “”.

15,000 words and a lot of “scrap”

the new additions to the editorial Board aimed, among other things, according to the frequency of occurrence, you but also the value of the existing spelling pitfalls. With the help of computers, large quantities of different texts on new in searches. From a list of about 15,000 words, the choice is made. Lots of “scrap” that will be sorted out, was Kunkel told-Razum. Names of footballers, for example, appearing in Newspapers, were not interested in.

Likely going to be spoken in the face of the new edition again on the condition of the German who suspected the Professor of Germanic linguistics, Kristian Berg, from the University of Bonn. Some people will be annoyed, for example, using terms from the English. Mountain stresses: now, If complained of, should be that Influencer and hypen are in the dictionary, then the fact that at that time, they are systematically used in German. “The dictionary is the fault is to blame the weather report the weather.”

Anglicisms, and no end

The proportion of Anglicisms increases, says Kunkel-Razum. “This is, of course, on the one hand to the fact that many of the technical and cultural innovations come from English-speaking countries and with their naming of us are adopted,” she explains. “But it has to do with the fact that the knowledge of foreign languages, the English, grow in this country more and more, many people work internationally and also the English language, and thus, the barriers for the use of Anglicisms will be lower.”

But also play Latin, Greek, or French words in the English vocabulary continues to be a major role – “because they do not represent a significant core of our language is just unimportant or disappears,” says the editor-in-chief. “But there are so many simple words from the current Greek or French are not, at present, to us.” More News from the world of culture and entertainment

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