Whether Co-Chairman Anna Lena Baerbock, he or no candidate for Chancellor of the Greens in the Bundestag election campaign in 2021, was not his thing, so Habeck. “I do not decide, but the party,” says Habeck. “I want to rid politics from their lethargy.” And he wants to first encounter the Union of throne.

– Green call for the end of age rituals

“We urge you, where necessary. What we do is to say, we stay in the old rituals,“ explains the doctor of philosophy. “No one is fighting for second place, the second is”. The Greens are currently nationwide, with nearly 20 percent behind the Union. “Why should remain in the Union, the strongest force? The second force, the first force pick-up means tires.“ That, however, had succeeded in the past, only because the Green on the substance of the work have concentrated, not on political strategies. FOCUS Online

Söders Chaos

Habeck criticized the Federal government, especially with regard to the Corona-crisis. “My impression is that since the beginning of the summer vacation, not more work has been done. Maybe it has basked a bit in self-satisfaction.“ It was a big failure, that it was the end of the Holiday not a strategy. Tests for travel returnees were then “kaplunk, kaboom has been” organized. “That was a real mistake.” The Bavarian way have only made things worse. “After the Chaos Söder, it is now even more important to know whether you tested negative.” Necessary but, of course, whether or not one is tested positive.

Fund for teachers

As another example of a lack of strategy and the father of four children, called the schools. The education summit of the Federal government this week is too late. “We are ill-prepared for the autumn.” The Greens have already claimed some time ago, a Fund which is about a substitute teacher and supervisors could be paid. Also, the teacher would have to be specifically tested. But Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder wool apparently overrun “by mass-all”. dpa Robert Habeck in the ARD summer interview in Berlin.

Habeck: “Digital desert”

As a government party, the Greens should have a lot more on the pan than just climate protection. Especially in the corona of crisis, the citizens fear job loss and recession. So Robert Habeck wants to put here points. “We have invested too little. We need to invest more in Germany. We need to make Germany for the future.“ This is not particularly original. Habeck says the lack of digitalization of the country. “You have the feeling that we live in a digital desert. You no longer have to work with a calculator in the school.“

surf tip: the TV column, “summer interview – Norbert Walter-later his” SPD-Chef Walter-Borjans, flirting in the ZDF-Interview with the Left

plastic or wheel?

finally, interviewers Köhr accuses him of being a self-staging, which Habeck was apparently more important than political content. Habeck had on the Internet with wild horses in the Background map. The Green counters that these photos were created as part of a nature project. “I don’t like staged pictures,” says Habeck. “I’d prefer to sit on the sidewalk and eat French fries!” The VAT reduction is not Habeck also good. Consumer was in his party anyway, not without controversy. You never know whether a plastic buying toys or his bike repaired. The SPD and the greens will do, but red-Red-Green, could according to the survey, however, fail to FOCUS Online/Wochit SPD and the greens will do, but red-Red-Green, could according to the survey, however, fail to see a mad dog you not as prey, FOCUS Online/Wochit like a mad dog you not as prey

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