two and a half months to play his political future, Donald Trump fourbit already his arms. Anxious not to leave all the light to the democrats, the president of the United States multiplies the displacements, but always looks for the angle-of-attack in the face of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Monday, August 17, the first day of the democratic convention in Milwaukee, in Wisconsin, the american president, doing poorly in the polls, has chosen to make… in Wisconsin, at Oshkosh, at least 130 km to the north. Counter-programming is one of the classic campaigns in the us. But Donald Trump, who has little taste for the dark, even temporary, push the logic very far, at two and a half months from an election that promises to be difficult for him.

voters approve the choice Kamala Harris

on Thursday, a few hours before the speech during which Biden will formally accept his appointment, the crowning glory of a political career that began there a half century ago, the billionaire will light a counter-fire. He will speak from the outskirts of Scranton, a former industrial town in Pennsylvania, where was born the former vice-president. While the tenors democrats, Barack and Michelle Obama in the lead, followed to the rostrum (virtual) of the agreement, the tenant of the White House will also visit this week in Minnesota and Arizona.

Read also Gérard Araud – Biden has already won, unless…

for a Long time marked by a false rate due to the pandemic of the Covid-19, which limits the interaction with voters, the campaign has well and truly started. The announcement of the choice of the senator Kamala Harris as colistière has given a boost to the campaign so far extraordinarily discreet Joe Biden. According to a poll by ABC News/Washington Post released Sunday, 54 % approve of this choice (compared to 29 % who disapprove).

“the More he speaks, the more he gets in trouble”

In this context, the multiplication of travel aboard Air Force One will suffice-it to Donald Trump to start ? One of the hopes of the republican cause is to attract Joe Biden in the arena. Confined since march at his home in Wilmington, in Delaware, it has, in fact, dodged many obstacles, pushing to later interviews and press conferences.

Steve Bannon, a central actor in the victory of a billionaire in 2016, determines that this week is going to be ” great for the campaign Trump “, because it ” will force Joe Biden to get out of his basement “. Julian Zelizer, a professor of political science at the university of Princeton, the political equation of the american president, much criticised for his handling of the health crisis and economic solution to the country, however, remains very complicated.

also Read Philippe Labro – ” How is Trump going to attack Kamala Harris ? “

“The main problem of Donald Trump at the moment is that the more he speaks, the more he puts himself in difficulty,” he explained on CNN. “I’m not convinced that its outputs in the coming days will be evil to the democrats, they could instead contribute to the gathering. “

Donald Trump preferred to confront Bernie Sanders

Too lax ? Too extravagant ? Too far left ? Too indecisive ? Too suggestible ? Donald Trump is seeking the attack that will fly in the face of Joe Biden. But it is only for the time being to stick to one of them, as if he lacked decision. At the beginning of the primaries, the president did not hide his preference : he had dreamed aloud of facing Bernie Sanders, who represents the left wing of the democratic Party and claims the term ” socialist “.

But it is ultimately the current centrist who has won with Joe Biden for the presidency, then Kamala Harris, to the vice-presidency. The Wall Street Journal referring to the “relief” of the media fellows after the appointment of the latter has marked the spirits.

also Read United States : the campaign of Donald Trump, a family affair

The “Crooked Hillary” to “Sleepy Joe”

Donald Trump, who holds up his surprise victory in 2016 as soon as asked about the polls unfavourable to the election to come, love to come back to the receipts of four years ago. In 2016, he had decked out his opponent, democrat nick’s mocking of “the Crooked Hillary” (” Hillary the baddie “). The blast had made the hit with an electoral base that charged by its outspokenness and its provocations.

This time, he struggles to find the formula that shock which marks the spirits. “What is the best : Sleepy Joe (Joe’s asleep) or Slow Joe (Joe the slow) ? “launching it on Friday, before a crowd conquered gathered in front of his golf club of Bedminster, New Jersey. “I hesitate…” by applause meter, “Sleepy Joe” was largely swept away. “This is what I was thinking !” replied the president. Amused, but aware that, for at least a week, that opponent if often mocked would benefit from media attention, largely superior to his.

writing will advise you

Philippe Labro – Down masks, Donald Trump ! Philippe Labro – ” America is a train that was heading… but where to ? “The republicans are bringing back Lincoln to dézinguer Trump When Obama and Biden pay Trump Gérard Araud – With Kamala Harris, Joe Biden at the centre of it all !