Online you can do today, almost everything. Even pray, if it is different. So, for example, in the Church, Grace Assembly of God in Singapore. The Evangelical Church has moved to Pray these days on the Online. “J333” is the name of the offers, a reference to Jeremiah 33:3 in the Bible: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great show and mighty things, which you don’t know.”

in fact, you know, in these times, more than the massive things, for example, how the Coronavirus contain. But a request to the Church remains without the answer. Maybe because so many members of the lung disease Covid-19 are ill or in quarantine. Epidemiologists call it the Church with its two Church houses, a “Cluster”. 23 Coronavirus infections in Singapore go back to people who have worked or prayed for.

“If Singapore can’t make it within the next two to three weeks to bring the Virus under control, that would be a cause for concern.”Jeremy Farrar, infection physicians

the example of the Church describe and explore how the wealthy city-state leads its fight against the Virus. And: What happens in Singapore, will be crucial for the world. “The most important place we should look is Singapore. The state has one of the best health systems in the world. If Singapore can’t make it within the next two to three weeks to bring the Virus under control, that would be a cause for concern. It is also for all other countries, extremely difficult.” It had declared the infection a physician Jeremy Farrar in conversation. Singapore is struggling with full dedication and firmer discipline. A state like clockwork. But will he make it?

“I don’t know how long you can hold out,” says the virologist Ooi Eng Eong from the National University of Singapore (NUS). “The efforts are remarkable.” In Singapore have learned a lot from the Sars epidemic. “Back then, we had to fight.” After Sars, a lot was invested, the state allowed sick to expand houses, designed the new emergency plans. Now each state hospital isolation wards, there are many quarantine places. The government has formed a task force of several ministries, the coordination of the course better, says Ooi.

works the meticulousness With which the city-state in mind, Covid-19 curb, is particularly well visible in the so-called Tracing, the Tracing of all possible contacts of people Infected. “In Singapore, it is still so that the majority of cases, is track,” says Ooi. Their number is increasing, but more slowly. 96 it since 23. January. 66 of them are healthy again, yet there is no case of death. In Singapore, 5.7 million people live.

“We are standing on the edge”

“I think we are on the edge,” says the molecular biologist, Julien Lescar, the research at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the structure of viruses. “So far, everything seems to be under control, but I have no crystal ball. At least, we see no exponential growth in Singapore. And that’s good.”

And yet the threat is present. “This pathogen is much more difficult to fight than Sars,” says Lescar. What has that to do with its structure. “His affinity to the receptors of human cells is higher than in the case of Sars.” He is so infectious. But how great is the contagion risk, if an Infected person shows only slight or no symptoms? Exactly, you don’t know that. “If people show hardly any symptoms of the Virus but more to give, then that is the worst case end of case.” If this happens frequently, you’ll see in a few weeks, says Lescar.

people who have had Diseased contact, have to go into quarantine, as the Church-goers. Thus, the state tried different Cluster, to “fence in”, as they call it in Singapore image. 2842 “close contact” with Infected persons, the state has been on the island quarantined.

Even such a tightly-controlled state such as Singapore experienced in the virus crisis deepened Surprises.

Anyone want to go from the East to the Church, best to get a Taxi on the Highway. In ordinary times this is easy, but tedious. By Taxi-the App to get driver the destination of the customer on your screen, click on “accept”, if you want the Tour. But the Church? Because no one wants to go. It takes a long time, until one of the travel takes. And he does it just because he is in urgent need of a customer. “A lot of people do not move, work from home,” says the driver.

arrival in Bukit Batok, views of the gate of the Church: Everything is locked. On Saturdays many of the faithful flock, usually into the house of God, Evangelical churches have the inlet, this one is surrounded by colorful apartment blocks, but now it is a ghostly place. No one far and wide. As if someone had pulled an invisible barrier.

“Singapore is very organized,” said Lescar, but also a small country, you get infections easier on the track. “I’m not sure what applies to Singapore, is transferable to bigger countries, such as France, Germany or Italy.”

The Detection of contact persons to succeed in Singapore, for various reasons, better than anywhere else. The state has its watchful eye in the form of cameras almost everywhere. Each resident is recognised also by his phone number. The team of 140 specialists, so-called Tracing Officers belong to, can draw on a dense data network and to receive the help of the police, if you’re looking for someone.

continuous Monitoring

Constantly be measured at meetings or in front of buildings, temperatures, phone numbers, and addresses noted, Seating plans drawn up. Anyone entering a seminar room of the College, scans often a QR Code will be stored, who, when, and where. Of course, these methods are not completely. In subways and buses, it is complicated. Who sits next to whom? But so far, it was possible to find Connections between most of the infection cases. The data are useful to contain the Virus, but also an indication that citizens have few opportunities to evade government Surveillance.

The readiness of the crisis management rather harmless to subdue, seems to be among Singaporeans is high. Some see this as a sign of strong confidence in the state. And he creates to participate with incentives. For those that go into quarantine, he pays an Allowance of $ 100 a day, the equivalent of 70 Swiss francs. But the government also threatens: he Who breaks quarantine requirements, should expect a harsh punishment. 7000 francs or six months in jail. Or both.

The hysteria culminated in the hoarding of toilet paper. Singaporeans should not behave like “idiots,” scolded the Minister of Commerce subsequently.

There are a lot of state education, a Whatsapp channel constantly provides Updates on the situation and advice there is close consultation with schools, companies, universities. But even such a tightly-controlled state experienced in the virus crisis, its bitter Surprises. When the government two weeks ago, set the warning level high on the second highest Level of Orange, responded to people’s purchases with panic, accumulated Instant noodles in shopping trolleys, supermarket shelves were empty.

The hysteria culminated in the hoarding of toilet paper. So seemed obsessed with rolls, some from the purchase of paper, that Singapore’s trade Minister Chan Chun Sing harsh words. Singaporeans are not likely to behave as “idiot”, he scolded in front of industry representatives. That was not intended for the General Public, but on recordings the way out. Those Singaporeans, who knew their countrymen in panic mode hardly, found it good, what the Minister gave as of.

Through the Church, Grace Assembly of God have worked, in the meantime, disinfection teams; men in white protective suits, masks, goggles and blue gloves, with spray guns armed. On Saturday, the Church will open again. Online pray, this can’t go on forever.

Created: 27.02.2020, 22:56 PM