Bad news, just the daily Routine of departmental chief Katsunobu Kato and his people in the Japanese Ministry of health. Also on Tuesday, you had to report again. It went to the next batch of Covid-19-cases, on the cruise ship Diamond Princess, docked for almost two weeks in quarantine at the Daikoku Pier in Yokohama. A further 88 people have taken on Board the Virus, 65 of them, it is said, had shown no symptoms such as cough or fever.

The total number of Infected rises to Stand from Monday to 542, which is a significant number when you consider that at the beginning, 3700 passengers and crew members were on the ship; at least one in every six has, therefore, requested.

“We are seeing an increase of cases in which one does not know the Transmission path directly.”Katsunobu Kato, Ministry of health,

From the country there was new bad news: three new cases in the Prefecture of Wakayama, including the minor son of a doctor, who is at work in the hospital. In the evening, the Tokyo Prefecture has reported three new cases, and the Prefecture of Aichi in the new case. The total number in Japan of affected people rose to 73.

Japan has grown to be the second largest venue of the Coronavirus-the crisis behind the country of origin China. Uncertainty captures the island state that actually wants to be a model of Hygiene and disease prevention. The cases are now distributed to the whole country. Some of them can no longer be with the contact to the Chinese or Wuhan travelers to explain. “We are seeing an increase of cases where you do not know the mode of Transmission immediately,” admitted Kato.

questions to come. It was a mistake of the Japanese government to put the Diamond Princess under quarantine and to leave thousands of people in a confined space? In various countries, including the USA, Canada and South Korea, want to have brought their nationals from the ship, or pick up, suggest many as an unspoken criticism of the Japanese health management. And surveys suggest that people in Japan just not very competently through the crisis passed. According to the newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, the consent of the right-wing conservative Prime Minister Shinz is? Abe five percent to 47 percent in favor. According to a survey conducted by the TV station ANN, only 39.8 percent are Abe to.

idiots it is not better

the Japanese trust their authorities, but gradually the doubt grows, The situation is assignments too serious for premature debt. All Nations fighting for a reasonable dealing with the Virus. The Americans transported their ship, passengers along with 14 Infected in an airplane that is not also found all convincing. For example, the American Diamond-Princess-passenger Matthew Smith, who has made a mark with regular Twitter messages from his cabin as a chronicler of the quarantine. He and his wife did not like the offer of the US government, also because of the risk of Infection.

His Theory is that Some people do not increased the risk on the ship, because they kept to the quarantine rules. “You are wearing protective Mouth and speaks with the passenger on the adjacent balcony not two meters away from each other,” he reported an American neighbor. “If there is additional infection, then this is the reason: idiots who don’t know better. And do you want me in a Bus, stuck?”

In Japan, people tend to Übervorsicht. Many do not wear the Mouth guard, even if you are not sick, and try as much as possible, people will go out of the way, the cough or sniffles.

Japan was considered as a other countries

the trust in the authorities is Widespread, but gradually the doubt grows. From the beginning, Prime Minister Abe has summoned the seriousness of the Coronavirus situation. Like many other countries, Japan can just anyone from the Hubei province-enter, in the the crisis began. The Charter flights from Wuhan with ausgeflogenen country people seemed to be Japan’s government with great caution to take. Japan acted wisely in dealing with the Virus than about the neighboring South Korea, where we had a Mouth guard-bulk purchases and even protests against state quarantine accommodations for South Koreans from Wuhan.

But now, the number of Corona cases is growing in Japan more than elsewhere. The crisis seems to be closer to each individual and come closer to, the decisions to prevent to be bolder: For 38’000 runners of the Tokyo Marathon falls at the beginning of March, because the organizers have decided, because of the Covid-19-to make danger, only the small field of the Elite start. The public celebrations of the birthday of Emperor Naruhito fall out. Individual companies recommend their employees to work via Computer from home.

First, keep calm

And, after consultations with experts, health Minister Kato has released on Tuesday recommendations for the daily life, to avoid further contamination as much as possible. Who any risk group, such as the elderly the elderly, diabetics or heart patients, and anyone who has cold symptoms and low grade fever, is supposed to protect, therefore, to rest, to stay three days at home and not going to the hospital rush. The doctors there should be able to the serious cases focus.

Japan’s government is in crisis mode and want to act more confidently. But the bad characters are not less. On Monday, the economy came out numbers for the last quarter of 2019, according to the gross domestic product shrank by 6.3 percent. A severe Typhoon and the consumption tax increase at the beginning of October, from eight to ten percent are considered to be the reasons for this. In 2020, the recovery should come. The Coronavirus is likely to prevent a good Start to the new year.

After all, health Minister Kato also had good news when he appeared on Tuesday before the press: passengers and crew members of the Diamond Princess, in which the virus test is negative, can leave between Wednesday and Friday of the ship. The tweeting Optimist, Matthew Smith would be pleased for sure. And Japan’s government could at least have had a little success.

Created: 19.02.2020, 11:16 PM