For the government of guinea, ” this controversy has no place to be “, because it was not according to him of the change. It all started in the beginning of the week, when the bar association of lawyers has denounced the differences between the draft of the new Constitution submitted to referendum on 22 march, and the text that was finally published in the official Journal on the 14th of April last.

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The order of lawyers reveals a hiatus between the text

In case, among the 21 amendments to the fundamental Law of guinea, several attract the attention of lawyers and civil society who have brought the matter to the general public. First, there is the introduction of sponsorships for an election. Concretely, the possibility for independent candidates to run for elective office disappears. Yet, that was one of the innovations of the text submitted to the vote last march 22. According to the new Constitution passed with more than 95 % of the votes, it is necessary to belong to a political party and be sponsored by voters to be a candidate in an election.

in addition, the new text strengthens the powers of the president, by providing it with statutory powers. He returns thus to the head of the State, and not to the Prime minister, to sign decrees on the spatial plan.

The order of lawyers has denounced “a crime legal” and demand the withdrawal of the text. “The project which was proposed to the people, to the announcement of the official Journal, is modified or tampered with. We ask that this Constitution is tampered with or removed. That’s what the people voted for to be there for the people, in the name of the people “, they say.

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The mobilization is organized

Away from the radical opposition, Fodé Mohamed Soumah, president of the party GECI (Generation citizen), and vice-president of the national Assembly, has not boycotted the election on 22 march. “I was not for a new Constitution, rather for a revolution. But the moment that the Guineans have voted for a new Constitution, how could I, as a Guinean, the challenge ? No. I do not recognize myself in there. The time that the majority has decided, I am obliged to align… ” he at length said in an interview with Guineenews.

Regarding this new imbroglio legal, the man has compared the two texts and makes his own analysis. He explains : “We find that a Constitution has been subject to a referendum. In any case, I’m talking about the official document, bearing the seal of the minister of Justice. I took this paper… I have compared it to the one that has been promulgated. I can tell you that from the 5th page, until the end, on each page, there is a problem. There are items, which have been completely denatured. Other of which the meaning has been changed. Others who even become incomprehensible. Still others with spelling mistakes… “

Conclusion : “… there is no question that the minister of Justice makes us swallow what he said. That is to say that the Constitution that has been promulgated is mandatory. No. This is the one that has been by the people that should be de rigueur. And we intend to continue our work of the opponent in order for these corrections to be made, in order that the Constitution, which was voted to be the true copy of the one that must be enacted. “

It was already called the other fringes of the opposition to join him in this fight. The opponents will not be alone, the Order of lawyers will set up a commission specifically charged to study the remedies in order to remove the text published in the official Journal.

face it, the RPG, the party in power, the minister for water, Papa Koly Kourouma, said that no final version has been submitted to the people, because the text was in a state of perpetual change, before and after its adoption.

The Guinea is it the face of a legal vacuum ? Not necessarily, analysis for the site Africaguinée a constitutionalist guinea. According to him, ” the first deputy that there has been in this situation is that a version of the Constitution was published in the official gazette even before its adoption “.

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