Markus Söder, so much is clear, wants to position the CSU new. Its Secretary-General is now with an unusual Interview, sit up and take notice.

The CSU party and its leader, Markus Söder in recent surveys on the success rate. Secretary-General Markus flower has now given the mistakes of the past – it sounds like a break with the Era Seehofer. Eye-flower-summed up the discussion with the AfD.

Munich – confessions of errors are in the CSU is not on the agenda. the General Secretary Markus flower has fired, but even a small cannonade of it.

Whether the course is now in the refugee crisis , environmental policy or how to deal with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in an Interview distributed Markus Söders hatchet man plenty of outspoken einbekennt containers. Certainly, a “new” CSU advertise: Because the blade is now back to “the way it is”, was a flower in a conversation from the current time.

CSU: Violent distancing of the Seehofer-years? “You can’t überstinken a skunk”

Significantly less fortunate, the General of the CSU from the time sounds before mid-2018 – in retrospect, at least. In the first months of Söders as the Bavarian Prime Minister, the Christian had tried to social with hard slogans in the asylum crisis, the my AfD voters off. Marriage, large-scale demonstrations took the party to safety. The was accompanied a flower, even with pithy words. The protest of any decency would be “lost,” he said at the time.

Today, nearly two years later, no longer seems to be the CSU to find the Secretary-General himself of everything decent, what was his party at the time, to log. “We have just learned our lesson from the year 2018,” he said in the time Interview. “You have to look on the bright side, need to have a clear course to the civic center.” Or, with a view to the AfD, even more concise: “You can’t überstinken a skunk.”

Söders new CSU: a change of course after the AfD-errors – party almost “self to the dark side”?

His party had tried in dealing with the AfD really all that well-known flower. Ignore also works a little like drowning. Because, as Blume’s knowledge, “populists can’t drown out” – at the end of one threat “to be on the dark side”.

First Söders delineation course towards the end of the Landtag-election campaign have shown success – an allusion to the days in which the Christian discovered social suddenly, the word “humanity” for themselves. Meanwhile, the AfD in Bavaria was cut in half “practical” and the sound “again, so optimistic, like it is part of the CSU”.

the much-quoted “Greening” of the CSU* flower confirmed as correct. “We have been in the environmental and climate protection for a long time to be on the defensive,” he admitted. Only last year, had succeeded to the topic of biodiversity to make it clear that the Green “on this urkonservativen topics do not have a monopoly”.

CSU is double Green: flower explains, the “Greening” of his party – and has a dig at the Council of Europe

For the Eco-party, bat of the Secretary-General then also a page in the old styles of Europe. In contrast to the Green you have brought “ecological responsibility and economic reason” together. At the same time, “the language was his lack of” the Green in the Corona-crisis-struck – the-Green remained a “A-themed-party”.

+ Common appearance: Horst Seehofer (li.) and Markus Söder in the middle of may on the Austrian-German borders – even between “new” and “old” CSU is now, apparently, there is a clear Cut.©dpa / Peter Kneffel

And also on a third field, to the not so long past violent run-in with Angela Merkel’s CDU, also distanced himself from the flower of the CSU the Seehofer-years . Markus Söder is now in the Corona-turbulence to the side of Merkel, one of the “learning curve”: “How to convince voters of, if you can not unite the own stock?”, he question rhetorically. Last Söder had wanted in terms of Corona even more the leadership of Angela Merkel, also for the länder.

CSU re-established: “To some it looks as if the two different parties”

would be “I know to some it looks as if the two different parties would be,” said flower, with a view to the CSU in the refugee crisis and in the year 2020. Open to a range of Horst Seehofer – has been reinforced recently its final withdrawal from the policy – did not want to flower go, however. Also, if Söder and Seehofer combines for years a well-known rivalry*.

The Eco-change of the party, he attributed to the long-time Chairman, based on the example of the Danube Expansion. “The economy had demanded for decades, the river should be navigable to Horst Seehofer eventually decided: we are not doing That.”

Corona, and the impact on the CSU: Söder Chancellor? New “self-responsibility” in the Virus-fighting?

Markus Söder had written, however, the last bit of ecological Lobby demand of the car industry on the Banner, but failed with the call for a General scrappage scheme in the negotiations on the Corona-stimulus package.

to give A good piece of “old CSU” seems so, too. It goes to flower, the same is true for rather damped the Federal political ambitions. With a view to a possible candidacy of his party leaders* he said, mutatis mutandis, the Power in Munich, and a few warm thoughts are enough for the CSU fully: “for Us the idea enough that we could, if we would have to see. The good German: Markus Söders place in Bavaria.“

Expressed with has could the flower possibly a new Corona-rates of CSU, even if it is only in the distant future.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.