It could not be that there is in the main holiday season from country to country, different rules, said the CDU politician on Monday for an appointment in the Altmark guard. The black-red-green state government wool at 28. July to advise whether Changes to the current valid Corona-rules were necessary. Then it’ll go to the mask duty. “We need to try to rules of the Federal uniform.” Haseloff warned, however, to overturn the current rules premature. That Germany had so far pushed the Virus so successfully back together, hanging with the disciplined use of masks and spacing rules. “We need to avoid, that we be thrown back,” said Haseloff. In Saxony-Anhalt, the Wearing of a mouth-nose cover when shopping, and public transportation is since the end of April is compulsory. Other States require the Wearing. Most recently, Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania had announced, to consider a relaxation.

On Monday, the health Ministers of the countries agreed already in a circuit, one of the mask’s duty to maintain for the time being, as the German press Agency learned. The impression should arise that the pandemic was over. The Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had opposed the end of the mask duty.
