On a few projects, arguing the coalition as much as on the basic pension. All the wanted this add-on to the basic security with minimum pensions for the long-term Insured, however, the ideas diverged. How many will get it, and how it is examined, who is in need.

Then it went quite quickly: The Bundestag approved on Thursday the draft law. The key points of the complexity of the structure:

Also interesting: Grand coalition agrees: the basic pension is to come from the beginning of 2021 – the money is there, but it was later

Who should get a basic pension?

at The start of the year 2021, around 1.3 million people, of which 70 percent are women. Namely, people with a minimum pensions, the at least have 33 years of pension contributions out of employment, children’s education or care activity. Their live performance should be recognized and the walk to the welfare office should be spared.

The contract will initially be staggered, in the case of 35 years , he should reach full height. Basic pension only to those with income under certain limits are to get. Everything you know about your pension

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Also those should not receive the basic pension, their Wages were often only the importance of a supplementary income – for example, through mini-jobs, like the German Bundestag, the press-service writes.

How is it determined who should get the contract?

First of all, a comprehensive means-testing, it was agreed in the coalition agreement of the CDU and the SPD. However, the SPD refused to do so. Now, there should be an income test. The data adjustment for the income test will automatically fold between the pension system and the financial authorities. Do not need to apply for the basic pension also. The pension scheme gets in the first few years at least – a lot to do, in order to examine whether people who already receive a pension, will also receive the premium. Therefore, distribution is expected to be delay in payment – may until the end of 2022. This will then be used retroactively.

what is the additional fee is?

This question is likely of interest to many persons with low pensions, especially. The competent Federal Ministry of labour and social Affairs announced on its website the specific Numbers. “The average basic pension Supplement – the Supplement to the regular pension is good 75 € (a gross). A maximum of may be the surcharge 404,86 Euro (gross).”

How high is the planned income limits?

The full impact only those whose monthly income as a

  • single pensioners receive a maximum of 1250 Euro
  • spouses or life partners at a maximum of $ 1950

income in excess of this limit is to be credited to 60 percent on the basic pension. At 1300 Euro income for a Single 50 Euro would contribute 60 percent of the basic pension would be 30 Euro lower. Content check: The gross-to-net calculator 2020, much net is left for them by the gross

income in excess of 1600 or 2300 euros to be credited to the full 100 percent to the basic pension Supplement Has a couple, for example, 2400 Euro of income, the basic pension of 100 euros.

What should be taken into account in the income test?

The tax-income-free part of annuities, and taxable income such as through rent, Pension, or amounts of occupational or personal Pension. Also, investment income above the Savings allowance in the amount of currently 801 euros should be credited.

a pensioner must notify the pension insurance relevant income. Advertising costs and expenses for health and nursing care insurance are deducted. Information about the taxable income is not available in the rule only for the that precedes the genes of the year, new pensioners get the basic pension in the first year, therefore, may be only once – the income test should be repeated once a year.

How does the calculation exactly?

In principle, be enhanced by the pay-points with which the pension total will be calculated. An average earner gets a year such a point. For this, he must earn in the current year in the old länder 40.551 Euro in the new 37.898 Euro.

For each point, there is since 1. July in the West with a height of 34.19 Euro pension, and in the East of the 33.23 euros per month. For times with low pension entitlements, the trigger, the basic pension will be increased by the earnings points: Namely, for 35 years to Double the average value of the acquired points – but to a maximum of 0.8 points.

Also interesting: million citizens: Less than 1000 Euro pension in spite of 40 years of work

How could look like an example?

the Union group Vice-Hermann Gröhe (CDU) explained in the debate in the Bundestag, the basic pension for retired people with low pensions affected. If a florist full-time at 40 percent of average earnings after a good 500 euros a month to have the inside or the hairdressers after 40 years, increases in the pension now at 900 euros. So much money you get at the age click Here for pensions calculator

What is the cost to the state?

The basic pension is estimated to cost 1.3 billion euros to 1.6 billion euros. Actually, the Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) wanted to spend this money on a financial transaction tax. But which is not in sight. Now it comes out of the Federal budget – to the Annoyance of the Union.

What is happening in regions with high cost of living?

in order for the Supplement for the basic pension is eaten up in expensive regions or Metropolitan areas, for example, by high housing costs, there should be allowances including housing allowance, basic security for job seekers or incapacity.

What happens in addition, in the case of occupational pensions?

As an incentive for the construction of an additional employer-funded occupational pension scheme for low earners with a monthly gross salary up to 2 200 Euro, the amount of funding from the current maximum of 144 Euro will be raised to a maximum of 288 euros. Retirement at 63: How does it work? Our PDF guide shows you how you can retire early can go and still have the full amount received.To the PDF guide Ivanka Trump flame is the appeal to all Americans – your father ignored him, FOCUS Online/Wochit Ivanka Trump is a flaming appeal to all Americans – your father ignored him Hearty oven-potato: So easy the full-fledged main dish to be a success PCP Hearty oven-potato: So easy the full-fledged main dish

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