district Council is a coalition a go CSU and the Free voters – with a stable majority. Why of benefit to both sides, and it is ultimately a good thing for the County, commented editor-in-chief Hans Moritz.

If You can’t beat the enemy, embrace him. The Free voters in the district could have acted according to this Motto, as you decimated – CSU – ducks, the-group as a Partner for the next six years Andi. If it was not a love marriage, a pretty well thought-out purpose of the Alliance it’s still. That one is being teased in the district candidacy with Hans Schreiner in a short-lived coalition with the Greens and Free voters, incumbent, Martin Bayer, storfer quite – forgotten.

the new community for the CSU’s worth it. You can be relatively sure that your important projects without now own a majority of the Committee by bring. The content of both factions were never far. Add to this, that in the ways of the Corona-tax losses to be expected in tough budget negotiations, the numerous FW-mayor faster to a common denominator are likely to be. Bayer, storfer know that he can adjust to a relatively comfortable fourth term. Very different than Erding WHETHER Max Gotz, who had just experience painful, how it feels without a majority.

worth But also for the FW of the coalition. You can celebrate, at the latest, in the next election campaign as co-creators of the district. With a Third district administrator Rainer Mehringer and Erding Vice-mayor Petra Bauernfeind the Free have occupied two important positions, also in a good condition, if in 2026, and are re-awarded to top positions.

At the same time, the AfD is cold, on five of which it now no longer matters. That is a good thing.

Not the least of the citizens benefited. Especially in times of emergency such as the pandemic, an action oriented policy is of crucial importance.
