a Petition from wool to obtain the student no prohibition of the Danube song, as you clarified. Rather, it should put the people with the Text apart, the rape, trivializing, and then volunteer to be on the Singing without. Their foreign co-students, they must justify “why we sing something like that”. Nearly supporters have taken part so far of the Petition. But insults and malice had to take the 22-Year-old for their action on the Internet once.

Already two years ago, you’ve been thinking to do something against the song. As recently, the TV presenters Joko winter scheidt and Klaas Heufer circulation with a broadcast denouncing the sexual harassment of women, whether you come up with the idea for a Petition. Winter scheidt Heufer circulation had earned in your transmitter ProSieben 15 minutes of free broadcasting time, and for the serious topic of used. There were a lot of positive reactions from the network. Many Users of social media were upset and reported similar experiences – from sexual harassment to sexual violence.

A place in the kitchen, everyone almost forgets to brush FOCUS Online A place in the kitchen, everyone almost forgets to clean
