The U.S. Congress has adopted a Resolution, with the help of the military powers of the President of Donald Trump in the conflict with Iran circumcised to be.

in The Senate, adopted Text, happened on Wednesday, with a 227-to-186 vote, the house of representatives. The measure, however, is largely symbolic: Trump is expected to Veto the Resolution.

The Text below says to the President the use of military force against Tehran without the prior approval of the Congress. However, it allows for measures explicitly to prevent a threatened attack against the United States.

the basis of the Resolution of the “war Powers Resolution” of 1973, which requires the US President “in every possible case, is” to consult the Congress before sending U.S. armed forces into hostilities.

the Last Trump had taken care of with a military strike against Iran in the Congress for displeasure. US forces had killed at the beginning of January the Iranian Top General Ghassem Soleimani in Baghdad to Trumps arrangement – which brought Washington and Tehran at times to the brink of a military conflict. Many parliamentarians felt that Trump passed over, and after the drone attack only inadequate, about the motives of informed.

Veto of Trump-expected

In the Senate voted in February, eight representatives of Trumps Republicans for the Resolution. For the President it was a more sensitive damper.

However, Trump should now insert its Veto against the Resolution. To override that would be in both Congress chambers, in turn, by a two-thirds majority needed. This is considered to be excluded.

last year, Trump had to engage in a similar case of a Veto, after the Congress had rebelled against him. Both Congress chambers – is also the one of trump’s Republican-dominated Senate had passed a Resolution, with the assistance of the United States for the Saudi Arabia-led military operation in Yemen should be stopped. (aru/sda)

Created: 12.03.2020, 08:30 PM