the ban on The entry of the United States for Europeans, puts the airlines in the Corona of the crisis a further harsh blow. “The flight ban to Europe to be blown away by foreign companies,” said Mike Boyd, an industry expert with the Boyd Group International.

According to estimates by Daniel Röska, an Analyst of Bernstein Research, is related to the 3500 flights a week and up to 800,000 passengers. The air-traffic between the Schengen area in Europe and the USA come to a Standstill. Most of the Lufthansa as well as US Airlines Delta and United were affected. British Airways suffer this to a lesser extent, because of the entry ban is not imposed on the UK.

“We are evaluating the impact of the recently by the U.S. Department of homeland security announced guidelines on our operation in the United States,” said Swiss spokeswoman Meike Fuhlrott on Thursday on request. “In this context, the safety and well-being of our customers and crews is our highest priority. For more information, we will provide as soon as possible,” said Rubin.

effects are still unknown

US President, Donald Trump had announced on the eve for the suppression of Corona-crisis, surprisingly, a 30-day ban on entry for people from Europe (read here: Trump is playing the Blame-Game). In the case of Lufthansa, it was said, it is still too early to give concrete effect to the flight plan and operation, however, It is clear that the Situation with the announcements of the US President Donald Trump once again got worse, and there will be further flight cancellations, said a company spokesman.

only U.S. citizens and aliens with permanent residence in the United States, with your closest family members are allowed to Enter. Flights from Europe are still too few airports with strict arrival checks of passengers possible.

Swiss: passengers can rebook or get money back

Only the day before, the Swiss had made together with Lufthansa because of the implications of the Coronavirus for more cuts. Until the beginning of April, all flights to and from Italy would be exposed, told the Swiss on Wednesday in a Communiqué. “Are affected, around 90 weekly flights from Zurich to Milan, Rome, Venice, Florence, Naples, and Brindisi,” it was said. Already last week, the flight program had been thinned in the southern neighbouring country.

in Addition, other European destinations would be temporarily suspended, including Stuttgart, Nuremberg and Bordeaux, wrote to the Swiss. In addition to the already implemented temporary setting of Beijing, Shanghai, and Tel Aviv, the Swiss will be on the international route network to 24. April is no longer serving also the Cairo temporarily.

in Addition, going the for the 29. March-scheduled first flight to Washington, D. postponed C. to a later date, wrote the Swiss Airline. “Passengers whose flight was cancelled, free of charge to rebook or receive a refund of your ticket price.”

Swiss cancels 4’300 flights

The whole Lufthansa group sweeps due to the Coronavirus, which is 23, 000 flights up to 24. April. “More cancellations are expected for the next few weeks,” said the Swiss parent company. Of the 23’000 flights, the group 4’300 accounted for the Swiss, said a spokeswoman at the request of the news Agency AWP.

Also, the holiday airline Condor, whose rescue by the Polish airline LOT, according to a report of the “mirror” because of the Corona-crisis, on the Brink, flies to destinations in the United States. “We are examining at the Moment with high pressure the effect on our flight plan and are in contact with the competent authorities,” said a Condor spokesperson.

The routes across the North Atlantic are in normal times, the economic backbone of the European airlines. They also have great importance for the utilization of the feeder flights from all over Europe to the hubs in Zurich, Munich, Frankfurt and Vienna. At the airports, a growing number of required Jets is already in place.

U.S. Airlines and tourism will suffer

The US Airlines will meet the “extremely hard”, said the President of the American Airline Association Nicholas Callio. The Head of the US flight attendants organization, CWA, Sarah Nelson, called the step irresponsible. This will not stop the spread of the pathogen. “It makes little sense, because the Virus is already in the United States.”

in addition to the Airlines, the tourism in the USA will suffer from the foreclosure. The U.S. travel Association, said that in March of last year, 29 percent of all travelers and 3.4 billion dollars in sales from Europe came. “This will exacerbate the already strong effects of Coronavirus on the travel industry and the 15.7 million Americans whose jobs depend on travel,” declared the President of the U.S. travel Association, Roger Dow.

demands for state support for the airlines in the USA came up. The step to interrupt the business is so strong that the U.S. government will be forced to do so, said William Reinsch, Ex-official of the Ministry of Commerce and researchers at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

exchanges bag from

On the stock market, Airline stocks plummeted. The Dax slumped by almost seven per cent, below 10,000 points. Lufthansa-papers lost almost twelve percent of its value. Shares of the already faltering Norwegian airline Norwegian Air Shuttle, were affected with a decline of 20 percent at the most. The cheap plane ventured with competitive prices on expensive long-haul flights, what is regarded in the industry as difficult to resolve the contradiction. (aru/reuters)

Created: 12.03.2020, 10:52 PM