those Who complete in Germany for a mobile phone contract with a mobile data volume, paid an average 3,46 Euro per GB. Austria, Germany, lands on a 140 – from 228 countries. 1st Place: India. There, one pays only 7 cents for 1 GB of data volume. You don’t have to look quite so far into the distance to find cheap prices. Also in Europe there are countries where mobile providers charge significantly less for 1 GB of data volume, as Telekom, Vodafone and O2 in Germany.

So expensive 1 GB of data volume in the best of the neighboring country of

place 4 of the world’s cheapest countries in terms of mobile data volume in Italy. Around 40 cents Italians pay in your home country for 1 GB. This is from a calculation of the UK tariff comparison portal shows. With close to 60 cents, while a bit more expensive, but in comparison to Germany, still pretty cheap, is the GB in Poland. Thus, Poland is the cheapest neighboring country of Germany. However, not only the average price, the Polish neighbours have an advantage. In the cheapest contract 1 GB data volume costs the equivalent of just under 3 cents. In this country you have to pay for the cheapest supplier for 1 GB is around 1.25 euros – more than 40 times. In the most expensive Tariff the GB in Germany will cost almost € 11.60.

Germany in Europe-comparing

But it is also more expensive. According to the tariff comparison portal 1 GB of data volume in Greece is the most expensive. The Greeks are Europe’s final light and pay an average of 11-12 Euro per GB. Switzerland, too, ends up behind Germany and occupied space 191. Who lives in our neighboring country, must pay an average 7,14 Euro per GB. Also more expensive: Belgium (4.50 Euro/GB) and Portugal (4,58 Euro/GB).

Cheaper for residents of France to get away with it. In the Ranking of French provider space 30, and offer 1 GB of data volume for an average of 75 cents. Austrian surfing cheaper. For 1 GB you will pay only 1 Euro.

→ data volume saving: 10 quick Tricks for users of Android-Smartphones

This article was written by Blasius Kawalkowski

*The post “did you know? As favorable data volume in our neighbouring countries,” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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