Bos en Lommer plein, a square in the West of Amsterdam. Who goes here just briefly passing by, the Emarah* falls on. She is wearing a burqa, is wrapped from head to foot in black fabric. Three years ago, she started wearing a Burka that covered her face completely. “People often think that I must wear them, because my husband orders me to. But it is my own choice,” she says in an interview with Deutsche Welle. “To be honest, I was not married yet when I started to wear the burqa.” With an undertone of Frustration in her voice she adds that it is difficult to wear a full veil because the people would see you as the enemy. “I feel totally alone, pushed into a corner. I’m going to be discriminated against, just because I want to practice my Religion.”

Burka ban, only a handful of times by set

a year Ago, the Dutch government had adopted the controversial law to ban clothes that “covered the face completely”,. It is similar, even stricter bans in France and Belgium followed. Although the Dutch law prohibits the Wearing of such clothing in public transport or in public buildings such as schools, hospitals, and government buildings. Unlike in France and Belgium, the burqa may be worn but is still on the road.

The public security was the main reason for the ban in the Netherlands. The process that led to the ban was initiated 14 years ago by Geert Wilders, the leader of the right-wing “party for freedom”. Women who refuse to remove their face covering, you must expect to pay a fine of between 150 and 450 euros. However, According to a spokesman for the Dutch police the fine was imposed in the past year, only a “handful” of times.

More aggressive

“The reactions of the Public are more aggressive than ever before,” says Emarah. It is still legal to wear the burqa on the street. But even before the ban, you’ve experienced violence, she says. “In the supermarket, people shopping me the car in the Chop, so I went to them out of the way.”

Since the law prior to a year in power have increased the aggressiveness is still clear came: “A man even tried to me with his car to approach.”

the low-countries at odds with The sisters Anne and Truus Postma drink tea on the Lambertus Zijlplein in the West of Amsterdam, and look on the traders who sell at the Monday market in the bustling Migrant community in fresh vegetables. The place, they say, have not changed since the prohibition is essential. “I like it better when I can see their faces – but it’s coverings were hardly any women with such a Face,” says one of the sisters. Leila sits on a wooden bench in the other corner of the square. She says she’s with the ban satisfied. “It’s just too much,” she explains. “We live in a European country. Why must you cover yourself so? A scarf like the one I wear, is sufficient.”

Also Giulio Bonotti, a Somali-Italian employees of the city Council, is the legislation is satisfied. “To me, this veil is not like that at all, this is torture,” he says. “It is as if the woman had anything of value. It was right to ban the burqa”.

Muslims no longer feel welcome

Although the Netherlands are worldwide known for being liberal, “you will always be intolerant,” says Emarah, with a sigh. They regarded the law as an “attack on Islam” and says it was a violation against their right to freedom of religion, as it is in the Dutch Constitution and the European Convention on human rights is enshrined. If you would be forced to Burka store, she says, she would feel humiliated. “It was my decision to put them on, and I want to decide when I take you again.”

Safa*, a 30-year-old Muslim, has the feeling that the ban has sown fear among Muslims. And, although in the Netherlands, only a small minority of women – perhaps 150 – the burqa, or similar cover, in the end, wearing. Some of your religious conservative friends have now emigrated to other countries, in particular to the UK. “You no longer feel welcome here,” she says. This feeling was particularly widespread, as the Dutch newspaper, the citizens called on Algemeen Dagblad in July 2019 to women who violated the burqa ban, to arrest. “When that happened, were young, moderate Muslims Provide,” says Safa.

Burka no – Corona-masks Yes?

Emarah and other women who wear a burqa or Similar, see a certain irony in the new COVID-19-rules in the Netherlands, making face masks for the public transport to duty. It seems that women will now be punished for both, both for Wearing and for Not Wearing a face cover, depending on the purpose. “It is completely contradictory,” says Emarah, which holds that it is wrong that the public health is regarded as an acceptable reason for the Covering of the face, Believe.

So you are not alone. A number of organizations, led by the group “Don’t Touch My Niqab” to appeal now to the Dutch policy, the law on face covering to take back. You claim that the legal justification for the ban given the current Corona-void is rules.

* The names have been changed at the request of the people.

author: Sanne Derks

*The contribution of the “Burka ban Muslim women” is frustrated published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

Deutsche Welle