many Payback customers huge frustration reigns. Because apparently mass disappear, as currently collected bonus points from user accounts. Affected reports in a Facebook group of abgeräumten Payback accounts, in which part of years of collected bonus points were missing for the equivalent of in some cases, several Hundred euros.

bonus points to the value of several Hundred Euro stolen

Payback, has in a communication from any responsibility, and says Payback was safe. At the consumer advice centre NRW, more and more complaints from Payback customers a go, however. “Rip-off”, “fraud” and “Punkteklau” are the accusations that currently reach the consumer advice centre of North Rhine-Westphalia, Facebook and review sites such as Google and trustpilot. Often points to a value of 50 or 100 euros, sometimes even far beyond that, according to the Verbraucherzentrale NRW.

the cause for the mass Theft of Payback-bonus points could be Phishing emails and weak passwords of the customers. Particularly annoying for customers: Payback no guilt is conscious and does not want to lost, will refund the previous bonus points.

Payback does not want to refund the points

“Payback will not be refunded the stolen points unfortunately, there is no legal obligation to do so. We ask for your understanding for this procedure, and advise you to file a report with the police,” the company said.

Payback customers let off steam: “This is not an isolated case and more!”

The Trouble with many Payback customers is therefore large. On the review site trust pilot Payback in user comments, gets the frustration of the customers to feel. So a User writes there:

“to me were stolen and my 3600 painstakingly collected points in Rewe in Frankfurt. And Payback has any blame. New password, new PIN, now all from 0 go. I have also been a safer password are advised to choose a word that I already had but definitely before! Well to Pishing, I’m not like, since I’m trained on it and in addition to this, I delete the mail from the Payback directly. Here’s a data hole in Payback, when I read now, how many people are affected. This is not an isolated case and more!”

another user writes: “My points were stolen at Payback, and Payback is no help comes.”

trust pilot features Payback, in the meantime, only one out of five possible stars, complained to the consumer advice centre NRW. FOCUS Online provides you daily with the most important news from the Digital Department. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

What to do? To change the password, existing bonus points will pay off

Payback can, however, stressed, to sensitising its customers in terms of Internet crime such as Phishing attacks. In addition, Payback discourages its customers to choose secure passwords and to change in the event of a points Klaus the password for Payback immediately.

The Verbraucherzentrale NRW advises Payback customers by the way of existing points promptly to withdraw euros or to have a voucher issued.

note: More information to be stolen bonus points, users are able to find here.

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