According to the Federal office for information security (BSI) is Emotet Trojan “one of the biggest malware threats in the world”. In 2019, he made the headlines because he put numerous computers in the German authorities to a standstill. The Berlin chamber court still today suffers under the consequences of the cyber attack.

So the malware Emotet

works a Malware which spreads via Spam emails with malicious Word or Excel documents is Emotet. By using macros, which the user must agree to, a nest Emotet in the System. Then the Trojan from peeking confidential contact data, and may install more malicious programs such as ransomware-Software “Ryuk” and the Banking Trojan “Trickbot”, the networks to encrypt and Bank-data spying.

The Trojans spread in the especially authentic-looking emails from well-known senders. He can also hook into conversations and e-Mails with forged senders as supposed answers to actual E-Mails, what are Recognize the the malicious software more difficult.

Emotet is back with a new mesh

Five months it was quiet around the dangerous Trojan horse, and now again Spam have been reported attacks, such as the security portal Bleeping Computer reported. This is Emotet as follows: a Bot with tons of Spam emails to be sent, included in the Appendix or as a link in a Word document. It is the user asks to Enable the Word macros.

the following New Scam is: The Word documents contain the note, they might not be displayed correctly, because they were allegedly created under the iPhone operating system iOS. Users would have to enable the macros in order to fix the Problem. But who agrees, has Malware on the PC.

Emotet, So that you can protect themselves

a New Anti-virus programs already protect against this Emotet variant. It is, accordingly, important, regularly security updates. Nevertheless, the E-Mail recipient, in case of doubt should check the sender of the E-Mail and not the displayed name, recommends the BSI. In addition, users of E-mail messages, inconsistencies should check. In case of doubt, better to start with the sender’s demands.

if your PC infected with Emotet, you should put him back as quickly as possible and your e-Mail to inform contacts. The BSI had Emotet referred to already in December 2018 as the “world’s most dangerous malicious software”, and numerous protective measures are recommended. Temperatures soar to the top: the Azores brings up the long-awaited summer PCP temperatures soar to the top: the Azores brings up the long-awaited summer, As ZDF-man makes him after ten minutes, still same question, it is sufficient Söder FOCUS Online/Wochit As the ZDF-man to him after ten minutes, still same issue, it is sufficient Söder

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