After meeting with sufficiency its premiere in Melbourne (6-2, 6-3, and 6-0 against Hugo Dellien, in 2h 02m), Rafael Nadal is oxygenated taking an evening stroll on the banks of the Yarra river. The number one tennis he was accompanied by his family and his wife, that he was fondling while the convoy was heading to the luxurious Crown Hotel, where is staying. Few meters ahead they talked his coach, Carlos Moya, and his agent, Carlos Costa. Maybe they were talking about how the good start of your guy, or perhaps on the balls selected by the organization of the Australian Open for this edition.


CHRONIC | Nadal toys with Dellien Garbiñe Muguruza wants to come back

Previously, Nadal, artful administrator of the messages, took the approach of a journalist –“do you prefer to play here day or night?”– to throw a dart. “I don’t know, but the truth is that here, the balls get very heavy. I don’t know if it’s because the track is a little slower…” he said still without knowing that he was waiting for a meeting with argentine Federico Delbonis (6-3, 6-4 7-6 to Joao Sousa) in the second round; “say that it is the same ball as last year, but I think it is totally different. It is a ball that at the beginning it is fast and given ten strokes gets as heavy as lead; costs that take effect…”.

he also said Nadal’s fatigue, since before competing in Melbourne played eight games in seven days. “It has been a beginning of a different year. What if has been perfect for me? I think not. After you have finished it as I finished up, start as soon as maybe you have been too demanding, but what is done is done,” he said. “It was a the end of the year demanding and it has been a beginning also demanding. The ATP Cup I was a little bit long, I guess for the little rest that I have been able to have, but there is no time to think about it. There is to be one hundred percent, it is not the time to falter”, lasted.

Despite the wear, Nadal gave a good performance in their parade through the central australian. The bolivian Dellien (26 years old, 72 of the world) was a good appetizer to go by adjusting the gear of the game and the spaniard he sent him away as one more day in the office. “I’m happy with the game today. It was a day to win and has won, in addition with a good feeling final. Today I took a step forward, and I’m confident be prepared to make several more throughout the tournament, because what I’m going to need,” he said after passing by the locker room.

In the tone relaxed, commented on what petrol used to start the day with strength –“I like to eat, but by the morning it costs me; I have a toast, a yogurt and a few almonds…– and previously joked with the extenista Jim Courier at the foot of the track. The u.s., in his day number one and champion of four large, two Australian Open and two at Roland Garros, he asked that you were to choose a specific time of 2019. He recalled that he had been a finalist in Melbourne, winning in Paris and New York and also of the Davis, in addition to finishing on the throne. And Nadal replied: “My wedding… My wife is here, so now I have to be careful in these responses”.

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