The Ticino cantonal government have been calling for for days, a closure of the border to the North of Italy. The Federal Council rejects as disproportionate. But, he comes up to the Tessinern now. With the new Corona-regulation, which will be the decision of the state government on Friday dam, will create the basis for entry bans and tighter controls at the border crossings. The draft regulation is currently in the cantons in the consultation process.

Specifically, Italians are to be allowed in the future only in Switzerland, if you have a cross-border commuter permit, as several reliable sources confirm. Since Monday, the Swiss authorities control the entry of the Italians in more detail. Among other things, the customs administration of nine small Crossings have closed the barriers to channel traffic and to simplify the Review.

would have Legal recourse, until now, lacked

However, the authorities under the current Regime, those Italians, who are not frontier workers, can the return only. A legal return, you generally speaking, does not exist, however. This is possible so far only in individual cases, for example, if a Person is showing obvious symptoms of the disease. The reason for this is that the Federal government adapted its practice, so far only in the Italian emergency measures, its own regulations, but has not worsened.

to change This, the Federal Council now, by creating in the Corona-regulation explicitly the possibility of Immigrants from Italy, without evidence of work in Switzerland to Italy to return. This should also prevent ill Italians to try, given the overburdened health system in the home country to be treated in Switzerland. According to the epidemic act, may order the Federal Council to ensure, for example, health checks for all groups of people. Austria, Italy and France have introduced in the past few days of medical checks at its southern border crossings, and strengthened.

Ticino tightened regulations

The additional measures on the Swiss border to Italy are part of a whole series of tightenings, which will discuss the Federal Council on Friday. He has proposed to the cantons to prohibit events with more than 300 people in Switzerland. So far, the national upper limit is 1000 people. As in the past, the cantons may adopt, but also more far-reaching regulations. In the Canton of Ticino, approximately for all events with more than 50 people are banned, sports events are generally prohibited, and all Recreational places are closed.

The Federal Council will also discuss a bailout package, the economic consequences of the Corona-ease epidemic. A debate on easing rules for short-time work compensation are as well as auxiliary funds and guarantees to support companies with liquidity constraints, as well as a free-lance, for example in the culture and event industry. It is to be expected that the Federal Council falls in the short-time work, rapid decision-making, setting up of relief Fund and other measures, however, still a few days more it will take.

Created: 12.03.2020, 14:57 PM