“could I drop in Germany, probably about Twenty to thirty times the amount that I sell in Switzerland,” says Markus Lüdi, hemp pioneer, chemist, and with his Cannapharm AG, one of the most important producers of medical cannabis in Switzerland. For years, he concluded, is struggling to ensure that he is allowed to export its hemp also abroad. Since today it is his desire to be a great closer. According to the national Council, now the Council of States has adopted a corresponding proposal. The Federal Council has initiated a change in the law in the way that provides, in addition to the absence of the export ban, in particular, easier access to medical Cannabis for Swiss patients.

How many patients Cannabis use as a medicine?
In the last few years, a little over 3000 Swiss patients are covered both legally with cannabis preparations. However, this corresponds to only a fraction of those who use cannabis for the relief of various ailments actually. The way on a Derogation, it can only grant the Federal office of public health (BAG), is complicated, the existing cannabis resources are expensive. A lot of obtain that is why Cannabis is illegal. According to estimates by the BAG are up to 111’000 patients.

How expensive this treatment is?
patients have to pay for the use of legal medical cannabis in the month up to several Hundred Swiss francs. The health insurance companies pay only in half of the cases something to such a therapy. On the illegal market for Cannabis is significantly cheaper, with an average of ten francs per gram. The Problem is that The intoxicating THC can be very high, and the fabric is partially contaminated. In addition, many innocent citizens would take the risk to be punished, criminalized, warns the health Committee of the national Council, which is pushing for a quick implementation.

when patients come easier to medical cannabis?
health Minister Alain Berset underlined that the government intends to implement the Revision of the narcotics law as quickly as possible. Thus, Doctors can prescribe in the future of Cannabis for medical purposes directly, the way the BAG is eliminated. Is not the question of compensation is taken into account by the compulsory health insurance. This is later to be tested.The consultation process is completed since last October and met with all the parties, the cantons, and even at the Doctors on positive echo. The Federal Council will transfer the appropriate message to these early summer to Parliament, stresses Berset in the parliamentary debate. According to Daniel Dauwalder from the BAG, the revised law could thus occur at the earliest in mid-2021 in force unless a Referendum is taken.

For which diseases is used Cannabis as a medicine?
Only four indications for use the BAG can give today a permit:– spasticity including multiple sclerosis– a conditions in chronic pain– loss of appetite in HIV-diseases– Nausea, loss of appetite and pain in cancer follow-up but reported also in other diseases, such as epilepsy, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease, Tinnitus, or sleep disorders.

Who is by the elimination of an export ban of medical cannabis benefit?
In the production of the basic substance, the cannabis plant, could benefit from some of the farms. Markus Lüdi is convinced that an export licence 20 farmers in Switzerland have a nice extra income could do. In the processing, especially manufacturers of herbal medicines, and specialized pharmacies are used. For the quality and the approval Swiss medic is provided.

How big is the market for medical cannabis?
According to the “European Cannabis Report”, a market analysis of the UK office Prohibition partner, would have a completely liberalised Swiss market up to the year 2028 in the medical field, a potential of 1.3 billion Swiss francs. But the big market potential have discovered other countries a long time ago. In addition to the pioneers in this Segment, such as Israel or Canada, Germany is also pushing for the cultivation of medical Cannabis. The first large plant in Neumünster, and is expected to begin by the end of this year their production. Overall, the first German cannabis tender consists of 10.4 tons, distributed over four years. In Switzerland, large quantities of produced Cannabis with a THC level below one percent, the CBD is increasingly exported, mainly to Italy and France. The total volume of the CBD market is estimated at around 60 million Swiss francs.

Created: 12.03.2020, 17:10 PM