He says it over and over again. “I’m the President of law and order”, calls out Donald Trump for his people. Using a steady Repeat, the President denied the own message. His Calls, his constant protestations are nothing more than a sign of aggressive helplessness. Hundreds of thousands of people flock together in the large American cities, to show their horror at the death of the African-American George Floyd in the brutal police action just over a week ago. There are peaceful demonstrations against police violence and racism, but also more and more looting, Chaos, and unbridled Aggression. The unrest in the country itself.

The No. 1 in the state to find out so far, only one answer to that: more pressure, more hardness. On dwindling approval, he responds with an increase in the dose. Trump is now the military against its own people tailgating. The Minister of defense Mark Esper has ordered the transfer of soldiers to Washington, to the security forces support. What a Signal.

  • All important news after the death of Georrge Floyd in the Ticker

“The there against us,”

Where the President and his people would have to lead together, and reconciled, where he would have an answer to the deep trenches in his country, he continued to fission: the da against us. Only that now even this seems to be disappearing feeling of his followers increasingly.

“My government has done more for the black Community than any government since Abraham Lincoln”, insists Trump in the manner of a defiant child. When he speaks, most recently, of a “silent majority” and his followers think, the question is whether this majority, which was for years a guarantor of his Power, exactly five months before the elections in the United States the speech may be.

Trump, the guardian of Christian values?

Within a few weeks to grow in the United States, the number of people without a Job to 40 million, more than 100,000 people are liked to the Corona Virus to the victim. The facts that this man evokes so much, talking a language of its own. The attempt of the pandemic, the well-known Trump claims to oppose, in undreamt-of the downright child balancing business impotence of the 45. The President demonstrated. Thus the spiritual and social cohesion of the country always shows threatening cracks.

Like a never-ending dance of Duracell being recycled Trump day-to-day phrases, but always more embarrassing Gestures. The image of the President with a Bible in Hand, in front of the St.-John’s-Church, deeply Disturbing. What in the world is he trying to say? Trump, a President by the grace of God? Trump, who is the guardian of Christian values? Only: Which should it be? To painful the Director-on the edge: this photo shoot, had to Trump the way with tear gas volleys pave.

Reuters/Jim Mone/AP/Reuters protesters gather in front of the State Capitol in St. Paul.

US Power-vacuum

So is and continues to Trump, given the tense situation, President, the circles only around itself. The political damage Radius, however, covers long the entire globe. He announces to the world health organization (WHO), the support, was only the last act of a long cascade of its setae settling movements of international organizations. Since the navel-gazing is increasingly replacing the political program.

globally, the USA is a growing vacuum, the fill long other. China builds train to train his influence, is on the way to a digital dictatorship, Russia is pursuing, largely undisturbed, its power policy in Europe and the Middle East. Europe has named a new, stronger role verbally, but a fulfillment of his increased responsibilities still far, far away.

Only escalate!

What can other countries, what can Germany do in this situation? More important, what should not be done in this tense time: escalate. Berlin is extremely concerned about what is going on in the United States, and the said Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) was once again clear.

In addition, other States are advised good, the Aggression in the country not by sharp comments from the outside, in addition to fuel. Whoever draws in this Situation, inappropriate comparisons between the escalation in a free country, in the United States, and the systematic Chinese suppression of protests in Hong Kong, it is exactly what he accuses Trump: He pours Oil on the fire.

the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau now has to weigh in on a question to Donald Trump 20 seconds speed: silence as a documented bewilderment. Maybe it is these days the most appropriate response to the Goings-on of the man in the White house. So far it has already come.

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