What it must be like for a feeling when you is because of the unstoppable cancer over many, many months, too weak to leave their own apartment? And then, when – due to the Corona-crisis – only the closest of the family to Maintain in the house can come? No real contact to other family members, friends, and neighbors.

the beauty of The then, of all things, on 80. Birthday can enjoy a carefree day in “freedom”. The wish wagon from the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Niedersachsen e. V. (ASB) for the heavy-duty excursion in Corona, ill done-crisis times. ASB Kurt Meier* from the West of the Region of Hannover, has now experienced the first passenger of the lower Saxony ASB-wish car since the outbreak of the pandemic in mid-March, it went for the terminally ill seniors with the help of the two volunteer Wish granter Maik Döring and Jean-Pierre Brosy for the last Time to the Steinhuder Meer. Eagerly, Kurt wanted to take a stroll on the Promenade and an asparagus-eating in the beach terraces in Steinhude. ASB

Back to the places of the past

What was originally planned due to the poor health status in the short term, only as a small trip, for Meier spontaneously to travel in the past. Because the go on Board of a cancer patient mobilized all the forces, enjoyed every moment to the fullest. The ASB Crew accompanied him summarily, in many places, the had in the life of the 80-Year-old a special significance. ASB

The restaurant “Zur Eiche” in Garbsen, had made in the he 54 years ago and his wife Brigitte, a marriage proposal. The parents, the house in which he was such a carefree Childhood experience. And finally, a short stop at the home of a daughter, which could, of course, with distance – congratulate. FOCUS Online donations for the wish car

FOCUS Online supports a special Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund-project as media partners: The “wish wagon” filled with dying sick people last wishes and takes you to places that you want to see again. The reports on the trips of the “wish wagon” can be read here.

you can support the rides with your donation to:

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e. V.
Volksbank Mittelhessen
IBAN: DE07 5139 0000 0060 8253 51
keyword: customer requests car

Or here directly via the donation form to the ASB.


the request filler Brosy: “Every desire, travel is unique. But this trip in times of Corona was once again particularly.“ Because finally, pandemic had to be in addition to the “normal” care and support tasks that the volunteer ASB – helper on every Tour with the special vehicle-due to the very carefully on the observance of clearance rules to be respected, were Hygiene and safety car actions by the coordination team increased in the run-up significantly.

Crew member Maik Döring: “We wish the filler must now communicate much more with each other, but also with the environment of the passenger and the people at the desire destination. Fortunately, we the Desires of all ,from the subject‘, so, for example, in your main job in the ambulance service and know what we must do.“

“We are ill not to Die, let you down.”

With the “reboot” of the ASB-heart project in times of Corona, the Samaritans put a clear sign: “We ill not Die down. And cars with our heart project ‘The Wish‘, also and especially in times of crisis for you and your Loved ones,“ says Julia Marie Tits castle by the coordination team. Because, of course, not all the wishes of terminally ill these days can come true, driving the Team until Further notice, “a two-pronged approach”: in Addition to the actual rides can turn “prevented passengers” – people who are in their last phase of life and pandemic-due to not be able to “travel” to go to the car Team.

The trips take place under strict hygienic Standards and in accordance with the regulatory requirements and recommendations. Desire trips that can currently be implemented (large-scale events such as concerts, football games, etc.) to other.

the Team at The ASB wishes car then tries with the help of his large (social) network to fulfil the wishes of terminally ill “quasi-distance”. “For example, we bring a bouquet of flowers to someone who wanted to live in the hospice, and even his own garden. Feasible but also to let the sound of the sea to come in via video message to terminally Ill or to send the Sand and shells from the beach by Post“, so Tits castle.

*the Name has been changed to six-year-old has incurable brain tumor: “I have decided, Oskar lives!” PCP six-year-old has incurable brain tumor: “I have decided, Oskar lives!”