Pedro Sanchez is making public the last names of the new coalition Government of coalition between the PSOE and United we Can, which is expected to take possession next week. Up to the moment, and if there are no changes in the government structure current, remaining clear of the holders of the portfolios of Health, Culture, Justice and Territorial Administration.

Vice-president. Carmen Calvo (PSOE)

The current vice-president-in-office, to renew its position in this legislature, is a doctor of Constitutional Law, and has been in political life for 25 years. First in the regional government of Andalusia, where he was minister of Culture between 1996 and 2004, with Manuel Chaves as president. That year was called by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero to be in the forefront of the Ministry of Culture, a position in which he remained until 2007. Was first vice president of the Board of Congress between 2007 and 2008. In addition to the world of culture, the political career of Bald has been linked to feminism, so that when Sanchez offered the position of vice president in the Government —arising from the motion of censure against prime minister, Mariano Rajoy in June of 2018— will also gave the powers of Equality, which is now lost, because they are embedded in a ministry directed by Irene Montero. The number two in the Government had a primary role in the failed negotiations with United we Can after the elections in April. Also has become the interlocutor’s usual central Executive with Pere Aragonès, vice-president of the Catalan government and national coordinator of Esquerra.

Vice-president. Pablo Iglesias (United we Can)

The leader of United we Can will be the second vice president of the Executive, which will depend on two areas: Social Rights and Agenda 2030. Started in politics very young. With 14 years he began the military in the Communist Youth, which was combined later with her undergraduate studies in Political Science, a discipline in which a bachelor’s degree and doctorate, with a course academic by Italy, Switzerland, Mexico and the united States. In that time, he also participated in the antiglobalization movements and civil resistance. Six years ago, the 16 of January of 2014, he founded we Can with four other colleagues, who are now detached from the formation. She then went on to comment on the policy as tertullian in different television debates to participate in it, although during these years has continued to present programs of interviews and gatherings. He was elected mep in the 2014 european elections, the first that presented his party. Left his post in Brussels in 2015, when it obtained its act in Congress, which kept up to date. Since then he has had a relationship of ups and downs with the PSOE and its current leader, Pedro Sánchez, with which it signed an agreement for the current coalition Government just two days after the last general election, after the failure of the negotiations after the elections of the 28 of April. Your partner is the spokesperson of United we Can in the Congress, Irene Montero, with whom he has three children.

Vice-president. Teresa Ribera (PSOE)

banks is a graduate in Law from the Complutense University and, without doubt, one of the greatest experts of Spain in climate negotiations, a real (and complicated) science. To the Bank attributed part of the impetus that led to the signing of the climate Agreement of Paris. Has a huge prestigious european and international levels in the energy sector and the environment. She was secretary of State for Environment and Climate Change between 2008 and 2011, with Rose Aguilar, as minister and director of the Spanish Office of Climate Change from 2004 to 2008, a period in which he was minister Cristina Narbona. Is an official surplus of the Higher Body of Civil Administrators of the State. Now it will occupy a fourth vice-president. Bank will be in charge of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

Vice-president. Nadia Calviño (PSOE)

Economist and lawyer, the minister of Economy and former director general of the European Commission knows the ins and outs of Brussels thanks to his experience at the highest level in key departments such as Competition, Internal Market and Budgets. Calviño enjoys great prestige and influence in the Eurogroup, and its comings and goings at Brussels, have been facilitated by the European Commission’s acceptance of the stability programme submitted by Spain for the next few Budgets. Now shall coordinate economic affairs, and the digital transformation. The mother of four children, is the daughter of the first director of RTVE in the times of Felipe González, José María Calviño. Calviño speaks English, French and German, besides Spanish.

Minister of Foreign affairs. Arancha González Laya (PSOE)

Arancha González Laya will be the new minister of Foreign affairs of the new Government of Pedro Sanchez. He has been deputy secretary general of the UN and executive director of the International Trade Centre (ITC). He worked in the World Trade Organization (WTO) —with the frenchman Pascal Lamy at the front—and was his representative (sherpa) in the G-20. Previously, he worked in various positions at the European Commission in the field of international relations, trade, communication and development cooperation, according to sources from La Moncloa.

Minister of Finance and Spokesperson. María Jesús Montero (PSOE)

a Degree in Medicine and Surgery and technical support of the Administrative functions of Hospitals, the minister of Finance and the new spokesperson of the Government has been a counselor of the Treasury and Public Administration of the regional government of Andalusia (2013-2018) and deputy in the Parliament of andalusia since 2008. Montero entered slowly in the craft of the policy. He was deputy managing director of the Hospital Virgen del Rocío in Seville when, in 2002, the then director of Health, Francisco Vallejo, the appointed vice-minister. Two years later, president Manuel Chaves made minister of Health, a position which he repeated with José Antonio Griñán, until in 2013 Susana Díaz, the appointed responsible of the Treasury and Public Administration. Finance liked; the powers that had to do with the maze of the public function will repelled each other. Spent 16 years in the andalusian Government. In the PSOE in Andalusia many eyes are on Montero since the socialists lost the Board. The minister will not attract those battles; it is also not a fan, but on the contrary, of the lessons taught at the school of the Socialist Youth, where he grew Susana Díaz. Supported Diaz in his battle against Pedro Sanchez. Until there came the fidelity: now the power of the lighting is more intense.

Transport Minister. José Luis Ábalos (PSOE)

José Luis Abalos continues as minister, although the portfolio-Building changes its name and renamed the Ministry of Transports, Mobility, and Urban Agenda. The also secretary of organization of the PSOE has had a long career in the Administration and coordinated the presentation of the censure motion won by Pedro Sanchez. Ábalos has a long career in the Administration. He entered politics in the early eighties and since then has been linked to public office, as the seat of deputy in Congress the last four legislatures. Teacher training, although it only served a year, his first steps in Management, gave as chief of cabinet in the Government delegation in the Valencian Community. In that community he was the director of International Cooperation (1989-1992), council member of the city Council of Valencia in the age of Rita Barberá (1999-2009) and deputy provincial (2003-2007). He is married and has five children.

Minister of the Interior. Fernando Grande-Marlaska (PSOE)

Fernando Grande-Marlaska was known for having been one of the judges and media of the National Audience, when Sanchez was appointed minister of the Interior in 2018, a position which he repeated in this new legislature. Opened the investigation of the case Pheasant by the tip of ETA, which ended with the conviction of two police officers. As president of the Criminal Chamber of the Audiencia Nacional, in November 2013, used his casting vote to release nine eta members without waiting for the judgment of the Supreme Court on the application of the doctrine Parot, following the judgment of the Strasbourg Court that repealed this. Elected member of the General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ), proposed by the PP in January of 2017 became part of its permanent committee, the hard core of the governing body of the judges. Since he made public his homosexuality in June 2006, has been prominent as an activist for the rights of the collective LGBTI. In 2005, following the approval of marriage between people of the same sex, married his partner, Gorka Gómez.

the Minister of Defense. Margarita Robles (PSOE)

Margarita Robles, judge of the Supreme Court, will continue as the minister of Defense, a position that is to combine from a few weeks ago, the management of the Ministry of Foreign affairs following the departure of Josep Borrell to become high representative for Foreign Policy of the EU. Robles remained loyal to Sanchez in the dramatic days of confrontation of the match in which he hasn’t been active and supported him in the darkest hours and uncertain of the now president of the Government. Robles held the ministry of the Interior between 1993 and 1996, when he ruled Felipe González, and the minister of Interior and Justice was Juan Alberto Belloch.

the Minister of Equality. Irene Montero (United we Can)

The next minister of Equality is graduated in Psychology by the Autonomous University of Madrid. Montero, who was born in the madrid district of Moratalaz, will be the second minister’s youngest democracy, after the socialist Bibiana Aído, who occupied with the same age but a few months less the same portfolio. He joined Can after the elections to the European Parliament in 2014 together with Rafa Mayoral from the Platform of Affected by Mortgage (PAH).

Minister of Labour. Yolanda Diaz (United we Can)

Yolanda Diaz joined the leader of we Can long before this the proposed as minister of Labour. It was in 2012, two years before Pablo Iglesias founded a party for “storming the heavens”. Diaz hired him as an adviser for his campaign in the elections in galicia. Was part then of AGE (Alternativa Galega de Esquerda), a coalition integrated by the formation of Xosé Manuel Beiras (Anova), Equo and Esquerda Unida, his party. A group precursor of the confluences we Can with nationalist groups. In 2009, when she was the only woman candidate to the regional Government, arrived to ensure: “I have No political ambition. There is always that to convince me for everything.” In another interview in 2014, then as the leader of Esquerda Unida and viceportavoz of AGE, stated: “it Is impossible to govern with the PSOE”. In the first coalition Government since the Second Republic will be minister of Labour.

Minister of Consumption. Alberto Garzón (United we Can)

Alberto Garzón, the future minister of Consumption, and the leader of IU, is militant of the PCE and proud advocate of communism. In 2017, he published a book that leaves no doubt, why I am a communist, and undertook a lecture tour to spread the ideology. Economist of 34 years, the coordinator of IU forged the first coalition of his party with we Can. The political career of Garzón, who was born in Logroño, took on momentum in the 15-M, on whose protests are actively involved. In 2011 achieved his first act as deputy in the Congress and in 2016 the leadership of the United Left. Soon it was proposed to drive with Can. The “covenant of time”, as he was christened, crystallized the left-wing coalition that will aupará the Council of Ministers.

Minister for Universities. Manuel Castells (United we Can)

the Author of 26 books and co-author, or editor other 22, doctor honoris causa from 18 european universities and has been a visiting professor in 17 of the most prestigious in the world, including Oxford and Cambridge and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The number of awards and distinctions contained in the curriculum of the next minister for Universities apabulla, among them the National Prize of Sociology and Political Science in 2008 or the prize Holberg, 2012 created by the Parliament of Norway to supply the deficiencies of the Nobel peace prize in social sciences. To have that level of international recognition is a great credential to occupy the portfolio of Universities. In recent years, it has been implicated in the evolution of Spanish political and international from tribunes news and discussion forums. Has expressed no-holds-barred criticism of abrasive to the form in which it is approached from the institutions of the State, the political conflict in Catalan and also to the manner in which it has managed the economic crisis in Spain and in Europe.

Minister of Social Security. José Luis Escrivá (PSOE)

José Luis Escrivá, 58 years old, is the new holder of the portfolio of Social Security, Inclusion and Migration. He is currently the chair of the AIRef, the Independent authority for Fiscal Responsibility.

Minister of Industry. Reyes Maroto (PSOE)

Reyes Maroto will continue with the portfolio of Industry, Tourism and Trade. Built a reputation of thorough and dialogue in his three years as a member of a socialist in the Assembly of Madrid. She was also secretary of Sustainable Development PSOE-M and spokesman of Budgets, Economics, Employment and Finance. A degree in economics and an associate professor in the Department of Economics of the Universidad Carlos III, has worked in International Financial Analysts (2005-2010) or the IDEAS Foundation (2011-2013), among others. Married and with two hijos, belongs to the grouping of socialist Alcorcón and is a well-known feminist.

Minister of Agriculture. Luis Planas (PSOE)

Luis Planas, attorney at Law, repeated at the front of the portfolio of Agriculture. You also have the competences of Territorial Policy since Meritxell Batet, former minister of this branch, was elected president of the Congress. When he took office was being investigated by the Prosecutor’s office of Environment of Huelva in a case about the theft of water in Doñana through wells illegal, although soon desimputó. Knows the agricultural sector from the perspective of national and european, as he has been a director of Agriculture in the Junta de Andalucía and has had various positions in the European Union. In 2013 we tried to dispute the General Secretariat of the mighty PSOE in andalusia Susana Diaz. Not got it and had to return to the Body of Labour Inspectors, where he had his place for nearly four decades. He is married and has two children.