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Trickle of Cabinet announcements creates unease among Spain’s new coalition partners

Four vice-presidents, including one for the green agenda. The president Pedro Sanchez rose this Thursday to the rank of vice-president the four key areas in which you intend to focus on the legislature: economy, ecology, Spain and empty social policies. Carmen Calvo will be first vice-president, and to the figures of Nadia Calviño, and Pablo Iglesias is in addition to surprise a fourth vice-president green for Teresa Ribera. The rise of Bank devalues a both the vice president of Pablo Iglesias, and generates the first grumbling in the coalition Government. Maria Jesus Montero, minister of Finance, gain weight, with the spokesman of the Executive.


LIVE The latest news of the new Government, in direct Teresa Ribera will occupy a vice-president of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge The announcement of a fourth vice-president scrambled to we Can These are the new ministers of the Government of Pedro Sanchez
The chief Executive of coalition in democratic Spain boots full of new. And with the first feelings of suspicion between the partners. The decision by president Sánchez de create four vice-presidencies was not welcome precisely with jubilation on the part of United we Can. Churches rushed on Monday to make known to all the members of your team, and Sanchez countered that move with a punch: a fourth vice-chair for Teresa Ribera and the climate agenda, called to be one of the stars of the legislature that begins. The white house stressed that the objective is to give the maximum level to the four areas with a rank of vice president.

Sanchez opts for a project marked by the economy, the ecological transition and the Spain empty, next to the social policies and civil rights framed in the area of Churches. Carmen Calvo will occupy a first vice-president with many carats political: it preserves the Ministry of the Presidency and Relations with the Courts, which is essential in the search of majorities, and sum the powers of historical memory. Churches will have the second vice president, of and Social Rights Agenda 2030, which will give you a very wide social projection, national, and international levels. Nadia Calviño will be third vice-chairman of Economy and Digital Transformation. But We didn’t have a fourth vice-chair for Teresa Ribera, with the area of Ecological Transition, but also with skills to combat the depopulation of Spain emptied.

Calvo, Calviño and Bank —and their respective areas— so receive the recognition of Pedro Sanchez, as well as Maria Jesus Montero, who will be the spokesperson of the Government, and repeated as the minister of Finance. The white house stressed that the appointment of Montero adjusts to the interest of placing the economy in the first plane. Sanchez believes that Montero has political qualities appropriate to explain the management of the coalition Government.

The creation of four vice presidencies created quite a stir, if not upset, at United we Can. The party was ignorant of the intentions of the president on the vice-president green. Sources socialists ensured that agreed with we Can the ministers of that training, but not the rest of the composition of the cabinet, which is the exclusive competence of Pedro Sanchez.

The PSOE does not consider it justified that there is no resentment. But the first suspicions have already emerged between the two formations. United We informed days ago of who would be his ministers, when the silence was absolute, among the socialist ranks. This Thursday, Sanchez returned the blow with such unexpected vice-president for Bank that dilutes the weight of Churches at the same time that mark the priorities of the Executive.

outside of the scope that they can have those first gestures, the important thing to Moncloa is to convey the relevance of the policies that they want to do in this coalition Government. The budgetary rigor and economic, represented by Nadia Calviño, and the minister Maria Jesus Montero, next to the social policies that depend on the second vice-president, are the keys of vault of the Government, along with the green agenda.

The entire list of the members of the Council of Ministers will be known between Friday and Saturday. But the drip-drip of news is unrelenting: the minister of Culture, José Guirao, does not continue, according to sources socialists; the holder of Health, María Luisa Carcedo, nor will. Remain in their respective areas Isabel Celaá (Education, although loses the spokesman) and Pedro Duque (Science, without Universities), according to the same sources.

The ministers of United we Can, were already known. Paul’s Churches will depend on two areas: Social Rights and Agenda 2030, which meets the goals of the United Nations for sustainable development, with special incidence in the fight against poverty and climate emergencies. Even so, the skills are narrowly defined and does not have to be friction between ministers, according to sources socialists, despite the fact that that is nothing strange in any Government; even more if it is coalition. Not hidden in the PSOE that United We would have wanted the area of ecological transition, but at no time Sanchez thought of parting with it. Teresa Ribera was irreplaceable for the president: one of the top experts in international climate change, that now adds to his portfolio, the problems and challenges of Spain emptied. “In the end, depopulation is a matter of State,” Thomas said Guitarte, deputy Teruel Exists.

Tuesday, Council

Sanchez communicated to the King the appointment on Sunday, and he’s scheduled to appear later —after many days of silence— to present to their ministers and the master lines of the future action of Government. On Tuesday we held the first Council of Ministers, which will approve the first steps. Pablo Iglesias, will be the one holding the office of highest rank among the ranks of Can we, as second vice-president; Irene Montero, your partner, and current spokesman for parliamentary will be the minister of Equality; Yolanda Díaz, member of parliament of Galicia In Common, from Esquerda Galega, will be minister of Labour. Alberto Garzón, leader of IU, will assume the portfolio of Consumption, and the sociologist Manuel Castells will be at the forefront of Universities.

The cabinet will be closed over the weekend, despite the fact that from Moncloa was transmitted after the inauguration that the president would take a few more days. The PSOE and Sanchez chose to speed up the investiture with the fear of setbacks that put in risk the abstention imperative of CKD. The decision Thursday by the Supreme Court not to leave in freedom to Oriol Junqueras to take possession of your certificate of mep would have complicated things. The unknowns, a istas heights, continue to be relevant, but at a lower level: the name of the Foreign minister or the possibility of unifying the Interior and Justice.

PP: “it Is an example of waste,”

The PP considers an example of “waste,” the creation of four vice-presidencies. “That is more consultants, more senior, more official cars…What would you be saying today if Paul Married had to conform to the Government and had announced four vice presidents with all that implies?”, asked on Thursday the deputy secretary of communication of the popular, Pablo Montesinos, in The Sixth.

The president of galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, also referred to the new coalition Government and the fact that the ministers We had known before that of Sanchez. “The Government could not start worse, because the two governments do not sum to a government, add up to zero governments,” he said. Feijoo said that “many ministries” were “secretaries of State” in other stages, and suggested that not having the skills of Social Security, Work is “a secretary of State with the rank of ministry.” The portfolio will be in the hands of the galician Yolanda Diaz, of Can, which was presented as a candidate to the regional Government on several occasions. “I prefer a bad minister galician and known that a bad minister of another autonomous community and unknown,” added Feijoo.